Dua on the Day of Arafat: O Lord of ours, our lower selves, our - TopicsExpress


Dua on the Day of Arafat: O Lord of ours, our lower selves, our desires and the devil may have deceived us in the past but here we are humbled in front of Your greatness, remorseful about what we have done, regretful about the good that we have missed out on. O Allah repair that which is broken. O Allah have mercy on us in our weakness and incapacity! O Allah replace every bad deed of ours with a good deed. Let not the sun set on this day except that the sun of our sins has set, and likewise the sun of our errors and faults and the sun of our worries and concerns. O Allah, O Allah the only thing that we and the Ummah are suffering from is sins and acts of disobedience but we seek refuge in You. O Allah untie the knot of persistent sinning. Let us leave this place protected from sins until we meet You with enlightened faces and pure hearts. O Allah make our last words in this life la illaha ill’Allah Let us be reminded us upon dying with la illaha ill’Allah Let us enter our graves upon la illaha ill’Allah Let us be resurrected with the elite of the people of la illaha ill’Allah O Allah cleanse our hearts, purify our souls and purify our intentions. O Allah make our hearts places fit to receive Your light and Your love. Give us complete knowledge of You, O Allah. Let us not leave Arafat without Your first making Yourself known to us and without You turning completely to us. O Allah let us only spend our lives in a state of knowledge of You! We prepare in this hour for the hour of death. It will come to every one of us whether we like it or not so what have we prepared? O Allah by Muhammad do not disgrace any of us or expose any of us to a bad ending. O Allah we ask for a good ending! We ask that the spirit of Your Beloved Muhammad is with us at that time! O Allah make us a cause of joy for Your Prophet. Make us amongst his supporters, his servants. Make us amongst those who preserve and act according to his Sacred Law. Make us amongst those who defend it and spread it to the East and the West. O Allah bring us together with him in this life and after death and on the Day of Judgement. Let us be under his banner. Let us shake his hand, see his face and hear his voice and understand his speech. Ennoble our ears by allowing them to hear Your Prophet as he enters Paradise. O Allah let us hear You when You call out to the people of Paradise: “Today I grant you My pleasure and I will never be discontent with you.” We take refuge in You that that time comes and any one of us is outside the Abode of Honour. O Allah grant us the vision of Your noble countenance. Prepare our eyes for that vision through crying out of fear of You and through lowering our gaze such that we do not look at that which You have prohibited and through denying ourselves sleep because we are busy in obedience to You. O Allah forgive for what is past and protect us in what time remains and give us the best of endings with You being content with us through Your mercy, O Most Merciful and Your generosity, O Most Generous… through the secret of al-Fatihah. Ameeeen Yaa Rabb!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 22:26:32 +0000

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