Dub Lawrence, former County Commissioner, Utah sheriff, marine, - TopicsExpress


Dub Lawrence, former County Commissioner, Utah sheriff, marine, police officer and SWAT unit founder leads charge against police abuse. His son-in-Law, Brian Wood, a fireman from Farmington City that had a standoff with police was shot 9-22-2008 by the SWAT team he founded in 1975! STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU MAKE THE TIME TO WATCH THIS VIDEO. In this video, Mr. Lawrence states that the Salt Lake City, Utah police officer that shot PUPPYCIDE victim Geist tased his son-in-law 8 times on 9-22-2008. https://youtube/watch?v=CLQG7zp2xZ8 Google search results on Dub Lawrence https://google/search?q=dub+lawrence&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=nts Link to above video was posted on the Justice for Geist Facebook page: https://facebook/JusticeforGeist ******************************** NATIONAL FREEZE DONT SHOOT MARCH Saturday, October 25 at 12:00pm in MST ALL STATE CAPITALS WITHIN THE USA Freeze Dont Shoot (FDS) is about ending PUPPYCIDE aka law enforcement officer involved shootings of non-threatening dogs in America. FDS supports training for law enforcement in non-lethal methods of handling dog encounters. A hands on training course with standardized curriculum has proven to work in many areas. https://facebook/events/1506079356295175/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular Freeze Dont Shoot United Facebook Page:https://facebook/FreezeDontShoot.JusticePagesUnited Thie Time is NOW: https://youtube/watch?v=Se52PZAM83Y Pages with Links to Facebook pages of PUPPYCIDE victims cops-shooting-dogs.blogspot/p/fb-cause-pages.html AND https://facebook/notes/695738733833790/ PUPPYCIDE PREVELANCE HumanityForOthers Video1 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T-YZcBq5BJY HumanityForOthers Video2 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims not in Video1 youtube/watch?v=kXTmlZvXxv8 Thie Time is NOW: https://youtube/watch?v=Se52PZAM83Y Pages with Links to Facebook pages of PUPPYCIDE victims cops-shooting-dogs.blogspot/p/fb-cause-pages.html AND https://facebook/notes/695738733833790/ Link to Freeze Dont Shoot Colorado post regarding Unnamed/Unidentified PUPPYCIDE victims: https://facebook/groups/FreezeDontShoot.CO/permalink/812837158751106/ PUPPYCIDE Stats: https://facebook/DogsShotbyPolice/notes The PUPPYCIDE page from Animal Voices includes links to PUPPYCIDE publications from professional law enforcement sources and national animal welfare organizations: animal-voices/puppycide/ Freeze Dont Shoot United: https://facebook/FreezeDontShoot.JusticePagesUnited Dogs Shot by Police Facebook Page: https://facebook/DogsShotbyPolice Webpage with links to numerous PUPPYCIDE articles furbyshouse/Dogs-Shot-By-Police.html
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:12:11 +0000

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