Dubai 25-Dec-2014 Question & Answer Session - TopicsExpress


Dubai 25-Dec-2014 Question & Answer Session Question: Radhasoami. (One Girl) I lost my father at an early age. My mother had to go through a lot of stress to manage everything. Myself and my brother are trying our best to help run the house. Due to this sometimes I am unable to attend satsang and some of our satsangi’s look down upon me. They make comments that she does not attend satsang. Babaji: Beta, do not worry about what people say. Do what you feel is right. Question: (One Gentlemen) Babaji, a soldier’s duty is to kill his enemy. He has to kill. Does that killing add to his karma? Babaji: Yes, killing adds to karma. Question: (Same Gentlemen) Babaji, I went to the extreme case but what I wanted to know is that sometimes in your Job you are required to do certain things that negatively affect your staff. I am a Senior Sales Executive, sometimes I have to terminate non-performing staff. I know he is the sole bread winner and his wife and children depend on him but I am forced to terminate him. Does this add to Karma. Babaji: Everything adds to karma may be he was destined to be terminated. You are only performing your duty. Question: (One Gentlemen in Punjabi) Babaji, I am a satsangi and my wife is a satsangi. I try my best not to fight with her but she speaks a lot. Everyday morning she will say something and sometimes I get angry. I don’t want to get angry, I love her a lot. Babaji: Who said satsangi ladies cannot speak in the mornings? (Laughter) Question: (Same Gentlemen) No Babaji, We are satsangi. We love each other a lot but if I am sitting she will ask me to stand and if am standing she will ask me to why I am standing. I try to keep her happy but she talks a lot and I get angry sometimes. We are satsangi. Babaji: Why do you keep repeating we are satsangi… we are satsangi…Laughter. You should not get angry. Next time when she shouts at you go and touch her feet. Massage her legs 😊😊😊 Question: (One Gentlemen) Firstly, I would like to apologize for lying while going for initation. I had mentioned wrong age but you blessed me with initiation. After initiation By your Grace I had visions inside. I could see many things when I used to sit but once by mistake I disclosed what is saw to someone. After that now whenever I sit its dark I can’t see anything. Babaji: One should not base the foundation of Truth on a lie. How long can you reach on the path of Truth (Sach) based on a lie? Beta, the Lord does not take back after giving. It is just that your attention has scattered. With time HIS Grace will work. Question: (One Lady) Babaji, my husband is a very good person he does allow me to come to satsang but he himself does not come. He has his own beliefs I know if he comes to satsang he will be a make a very good satsangi. Babaji: It is not written anywhere that what you think is right and what others think is wrong. If you want him to follow your beliefs first you have to appreciate and respect his beliefs. Question: (Same lady) No Babaji, he is really a nice person and I want him to understand satsang and come to satsang. Babaji: Smilingly, you wife’s naa want your husbands to be like puppies…laughter. If that is the case don’t expect much from puppy (Laughter) Question: (One Lady) Babaji, I like salman khan but I like you more than him 😊 Babaji: Smilingly, now don’t expect me to tear of my T-shirt like him 😊😊😊Huge Laughter in the Hall. Question: (One Lady) Babaji, you look very nice, I LOVE YOU. Babaji: When I was in college no one used to look at us and now at this age I LOVE YOU. Hun Ki Fayeda – What is the use now😊 Question: (One Lady) Babaji I talk to your photo every day I like talking to your photo but I like talking to you more. I feel like talking to you all the time. I feel like this conversation should gone on forever. Babaji: Smilingly, now I have to compete with my own photo 😊😊😊 Question: (One Gentlemen in Punjabi) Babaji, I live in Labor Camp where there is sharing system. The chef cooks Veg and Non-veg food in same pan. He does not wash his hands. I have told him so many times but still he does not listen. I cannot afford to eat from outside as my income is limited. Babaji: Buy another pan and ask him to use that for cooking veg. How expensive is Dal / Roti? Question: (Same Gentlemen) In these circumstances will there be karma as I have no choice but to eat in these circumstances. Babaji: You eat poison by mistake or by choice the effect is going to be the same. No one tied you with ropes and chains and brought you here from India, it was your choice J Try to live on principals. Question: (One Gentlemen in Punjabi) Babaji, once by mistake I ate non-veg I took your name and ate it. You are my father. Babaji: This name will not work everywhere. This is like a student doing a mistake and taking parents name. Question: (One Gentlemen) Babaji, Merry Chirstmas. Thank you for blessing us on this day. I was rested from Seva due to some reasons, please compensate me in Bhajan and Simran for the lost seva. Babaji: What does merry chirstmas mean? Why do we celebrate it? Beta, there is no compensation for Seva. Seva means “Nishkaam” something that is done without an expectation. There is no compensation for Seva. Question: (Same Gentlemen) Please bless me. Babaji: 😊😊 Question: (One Lady) When I get up in the morning and sit for mediation my daughter wants to sit with me. She says she also wants to meditate. What can I do? Babaji: Beta, you can train her to sit in peace and do dhyan. That is okay, but it is not advised to meditate without a master. Sitting is in dhyan is sitting in peace, it is not meditation. Question: (One Gentlemen) Babaji I stay in sharing accommodation. When I sit for mediation in the early mornings other people wonder what I do, sometimes they laugh at me. Babaji: There is nothing wrong in remembering the lord. What better thing can one do than remembering the Almighty.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:50:27 +0000

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