Dude I hate this ghetto ass place. Everyone and their mother is - TopicsExpress


Dude I hate this ghetto ass place. Everyone and their mother is psycho??? I come home from school, and the front door of the building my apartment is in, which is 90% glass, is all smashed up, like completely. Like someone had a psycho fit and took it out on the outside door. Its not an accident either because its 12 separate glass panes and each one is smashed. You dont like bump into a door 12 times in a row in 12 dif parts on accident. What idiots... I didnt even see it so when I pushed on the door to push it open a really little piece shoved its way up under my fingernail and took almost 20 min to take out, but I think I got it or most at least. Seriously, how immature is that? Theres at least 4 elementary age children that live in this building and I can just foresee one of them running and pushing the door to run outside, and their hand going straight through the glass panel since its already shattered and almost broken as is. People really dont think before the do dumb crap, do they???? I went and put a sign in English and Spanish because its almost impossible to see the glass is broken so hopefully no one ends up putting their hand through it, I know my Spanish is crappy though. All I really know how to say in Spanish are the words penis, cheese, and hello. I used an online translator box but I know those things are usually a lil off... I tried to look up each word individually but it didnt make total sense. It would suck if it ended up saying please push on door with hands very hard... That would def make me feel like miserably shamefully embarrassed omg....! I put Precaucion! El cristal de la puerta esta roto. No empuje sobre el vidrio con las manos! Usted puede conseguir lesion! Pleaseeee someone Spanish tell me thats accurate. Obviously Ive got the verb conjugations wrong and the gender of the nouns wrong, but hey, I havent take Spanish in exactly ten years soo Im def no A student in that subject anymore... And why is it that Spanish is the only language where we assign genders to inanimate objects??? I mean I consider my pink car female and my purse female, yea, but I dont go around saying This book, this here is a girl book, its female! This toilet, why this toilet is surely male! It is masculine! That would be so weird to me
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:36:02 +0000

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