Due to an injudicious click of “like” on my part, the - TopicsExpress


Due to an injudicious click of “like” on my part, the otherwise congenial Gail Slater assigned me an appallingly high number, 11. But since I’m a good sport, here goes: 1. Mary Ann and I never dated before we got engaged. We got engaged first, and then dated. It’s starting to look as if it may last – we just celebrated 40 years in August. 2. I grew up in the quintessential post-WWII suburb of Lakewood, CA. Today, if a movie is set in the 1950s, it’s likely they’ll choose my hometown to film the exterior shots. 3. Growing up in So Cal, I never – not even once -- missed a day of school due to weather. In fact, I didn’t know about snow days until I dropped off our oldest, Molly, at school on a snow day when she was in kindergarten. Who knew? 4. True story: My brother Jon is younger than I am. Nevertheless, I am Jon’s younger brother. 5. I really loathe snakes, even though I think they’re interesting. I have no problem with spiders, though. 6. I am one of “those” people who write annual Christmas letters. Sometimes I even include real news, although some of the relatives I mention tend to be hypothetical (shh, don’t tell anyone!). 7. I try not to be too obnoxious about it (except with my offspring), but I confess, I am kind of a grammar nazi. If necessary, I will fix your grammar, in my head, as you speak. 8. Only my captioner/court reporter friends will find this interesting, but I claim to be The World’s Laziest Steno Writer. I have no patience with mindless adherence to steno theories that require extraneous or difficult strokes. I’ve been known to ask my co-workers, “Why would you want to write it like that?” 9. For no reason that the doctor can find, I am nearly deaf in one ear. It’s a pretty good excuse occasionally (“What?”), and makes it easy to sleep in a noisy room. 11. I can’t count very well.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:40:24 +0000

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