Due to typographic errors some para were repeated it as rightly - TopicsExpress


Due to typographic errors some para were repeated it as rightly pointed by FB friends the same is corrected herewith ‘YEAR – 2015” Our Hopes Lies, despite Uncertainty’ Dear Kotesawran Sir, Welcome to family to ‘good people to grow with’. As the year 2014 gradually slips to fade into the oblivion and yet another new year has started peeping through the horizon, it is quite corollary on the part of all individuals and organizations to weigh their gains against the losses that occurred during the period of one year. We have made positive gains in terms of NPA reduction and upgradation, during 12-2-13 but fresh slippage had offseted all hard work. Under the current decelerating economic conditions, our Gross NPA raised to trigger marks. Not only did we lose our numero uno 2007 position in terms of total business, which had altogether been the hallmark of our bank since time immemorial, we have gradually slipped down considerably in the ranking and still we don’t look healthy on this score. Even this unpleasant development would not otherwise have been a cause of worry for us, since we know our ability to bounce back and to regain our lost ground. But most ironically, our biggest problem is that we don’t introspect, and that too, honestly. It has been our persistent habit that when it comes to accountability, we tend to pass the buck on to the lower levels and any criticism pointed towards the higher echelons of Management is often treated as blasphemous. It is dangerous. As a result of such a narrow mindset of ours, while we had been girding up our loins to reach the targeted business figures, our figures remained glued to be stagnant during the entire year 2014, despite the fact that we were quite comfortably placed at nearly the eve of the year 2012. This definitely makes room for some introspection on aspects like “where did we err and what went wrong?” Although, it looks irrelevant to talk about negative things on the eve of a new year, it is also a fact that the new year day is often celebrated as a day of resolution when we decide to part with our bad habits and ideas and commit for better things. In the same spirit, let us celebrate the New Year day as a day of resolution and let’s honestly ponder over our current problems and decide on the ways to remove them. In the given background, we must undergo an honest analysis of the following problems that continue to haunt our coveted organization:- In the given bureaucratic set-up, our top-management doesn’t get a chance to have a correct feedback of our ground-level realities. Hardly have we seen any ED/GM visiting our remote branches and even if they do so under pressing circumstances, information about their visits are given to the regional Heads well in advance so as to enable them to do the necessary whitewash / eyewash and to cover up the dirt under the carpet. If one really wishes to know the facts, visits should be uninformed and unscheduled. Since the perception of the ground-level problems is wrong, the steps taken to remove them cannot be right. We have gradually been converting into a top-heavy organization that often gives the look of a “pyramid, upside down”. Our grassroots level workers are on the decline as compared to the business figures of majority of our remote branches, while the GMs / DGMs keep on rising. It is a cruel irony that the population of shepherds has been rising while that of the sheep is becoming thinner. There is an extreme shortage of clerks and JMG & MMG Officers in most of our branches. This shortage is more prominent in our Rural & Semi-urban branches. The situation has come to such a pass that there are a lot of branches located in our remote areas, which have been running since long without any permanent Incumbent Incharge. The business of such branches has been suffering badly nut no effective steps are being taken to post permanent Incumbents Incharge therein. Yet another irony is that a large majority of our top-executives have been persistently working for their own benefits and obliquely to the detriment of our organization. Today, our executives are mainly concerned about their own promotions and perquisites and they, therefore, always try to adopt only such short-term or manipulative tactics that can result into their timely promotions. Such a myopic vision of our executives has been causing lot of harm to our organization. It is quite natural for officials to expect promotions in time but unlike in the yester years, when people used to work with involvement and commitment for the benefit of the organization and their promotions used to occur naturally, today, our executives tend to work only for their career-development, leaving behind the organization in the lurch. A fear psychosis seems to grip our BMs/staff who feel at heart (although they prefer to keep their lips tight) that the bank is being ruled by the vigilance sleuths. Such a frightened mindset of the majority of workforce has ripped our development apart. Most of our BMs have become credit-shy as they have been given to feel that they cannot afford to take even the minimum most risks attached to normal lending. Whatever be the tall talks about the liberalised “Staff Accountability Policy”, the ground reality remains that once a loan account turns NPA, all successive Incumbents are made accountable for the same. Under such circumstances, our business figures are bound to shrink. We don’t intend to frighten people on the New Year Day. But, as responsible watchdogs of the interests of our coveted organization, we cannot prefer to be mute spectators of the problems we are presently in. Like our top Management, we also say – “Together we can and together we will.” But for this saying to be true, we need to develop a “We-feeling” first. This cannot come true if we divide ourselves between the “Ruler” and the “Ruled” classes. While we shall be girding up our loins to reach the targeted business figures of Rs4 Lac Crores by 31.03.2015, though our figures remained glued to stagnancy during the entire year 2014, despite the fact that we were quite comfortably placed on the eve of the year 2011, 12. This definitely makes room for some introspection on aspects like “where did we err and what went wrong?” . So let us embark on a fresh start this New Year and take effective steps to remove the problems enumerated above. May the dawn of the New Year bestow behavioural and attitudinal honesty on us, lead us all to the path of beautiful tomorrows and bring us and our organisation abounding success, filling our hearts with love & joy and our homes with happiness. Touch our hearts , Wipe our tears and spread smiles be your mission and vision Best wishes for a happy New Year. S.Srinivasan Retired Bank Unionist Ex- iobian
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:11:04 +0000

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