Dueling newspaper ads always make me wish I knew the whole - TopicsExpress


Dueling newspaper ads always make me wish I knew the whole story: Whereas, Barbara, the wife of the subscriber, has, by her frequent misbehaviour, continued, step by step, her illiberal conduct towards me, recapitulations of which might, perhaps, be too tedious; suffice it to mention, that malicious persons have cajoled her to defraud me of my several deeds appertaining to my freehold; in consequence of which, advice in law dictates unto me, to forwarn all persons to take assignment or assignments by virtue of my deeds, or otherwise, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting, of any kind whatsoever, from the date hereof. Jacob Buckardt. Philadelphia, July 23, 1783. N. B. My grievances shall, if called on by her, be stated at large to a candid Public. P. S. He requests those persons with whom his deeds might be lodged, to acquaint him with the possession thereof; and a voluntary return of them will be acknowledged with gratuity and esteem; but if those, callous to humanity, and void of good behaviour, hold this invitation as feeble, the laws of my country shall rectify their error. [Pennsylvania Packet, 26 July 1783] The subscriber being charged by her husband, Jacob Burckardt, in the public Newspapers, with misbehaviour and illiberal conduct towards him, and that malicious persons have cajoled her to defraud him of his deeds - finds it necessary, in justice to her own character and good name, to assure all good persons that there is no just foundation for the charges alledged against her by her said husband; that she always lived with him and faithfully did the duties of a wife, and never left the house till his usage obliged her to fly to save her bones, that they have lived happily together till within these six months, when his acquaintance and connections with another woman by whom he has a child, caused this disturbance, and having more affection for this woman that his lawful wife, he is seduced, by her persuasions, to ill treat, abuse and advertise his faithful wife. July 28. Barbara Burckardt. [Pennsylvania Packet, 29 July 1783]
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:29:57 +0000

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