Dumbass: I have been thinking about this for a few days now. And - TopicsExpress


Dumbass: I have been thinking about this for a few days now. And atlast, have the nerve to say it to every single person who is on my page. I have been stupid and a dumbass to some of you over the years. Some way more than others, some not at all. So, I wana take this second (for people to read) and say to all of you...I am sorry. Some wont take the apology and thats ok. I have never been big on New Years Resolutions. So this is my June version. To correct being an ass to people. Be it my family, close friends or hardly know. I posted this for a single reason and am ready for it. Anyone who feels like blasting me for not saying anything before, feel free. I am from now on going to think alot more before saying and doing things. That way I dont treat anyone the wrong way from now on. Posted here on FB for all to see. If anyone comments or messages me asking something like "So you screw up today/this week (and so on)" they can. And perhaps with a single post that everyone can fire off a message or comment to. Ill make amends for the past. That person who did what I said above is gone. I see and remember way back to school how (no just me) being a jerk effects people. And I became one. But I refuse to stay one. Sorry for the long post, but if even 1 person forgives...its worth it. I love, in different ways, eveyone who is on my page. And this is my personal message to all of you. Thanks for reading. NOBODY is being tagged. Im sure someone wouldnt like that, so it wont be done. See, thinking 1st. And yes I put the smiley in because it feels good to admit something. And know atleast 1 person will forgive me or say thanks. — feeling wonderful.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 07:32:38 +0000

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