Dumelang Saleshando The BDP has completed its primaries for the - TopicsExpress


Dumelang Saleshando The BDP has completed its primaries for the southern constituencies, which includes Gaborone Central, a constituency I represent and will be contesting for again in 2014. I have just been on the line to congratulate the winner, Mme Mogami, and promised her a clean campaign based on issues, as was the case in the past. They have also confirmed their candidates for the 6 wards of Gaborone Central and I will urge BCP council candidates to pledge a campaign devoid of slander and mudslinging. I expect the UDC to also announce a date for its primaries soon, which will be followed by the official confirmation of the party candidates for Gaborone Central. We will accordingly wish them well and hope that the residents of the constituency will experience an informative campaign. Fortunately for me, I have always maintained good relations with those I contest against, starting in 2004 when I campaigned against 2 women (Letshabo and Nasha) who will go into our history books as some of the strongest female politicians our country has ever had. Our politics need not divide us. We hold diverse political views and non of us is wrong in believing that their vision is the best for the country. We should all look forward to an interesting contest of ideas and Batswana will pass their judgement on voting day. Like · · Share · 55 minutes ago · 68 people like this. Sakarea Makgapha Ke batla o ja Mma Mogami Cde. O seka wa mo tlogela. A leader of ur caliber is needed in our Parliament which is threatened by hosting comedians in the next elections 52 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 4 Onneile Tshepo Pukuna Bahuma yah 49 minutes ago via mobile · Like Khumo Sector We want opposition unity or pact thats all. 49 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1 Kgotla Olebeng Clear 49 minutes ago · Like Kay Dee Kiddoh Tabulawa 2014 kgaolo ke ya gago tautona wame...woooo 47 minutes ago · Edited · Like Moatlhodi Calvin Phetogo oh,se ke mafoko a a mature leader.is so impotant to learn that politics or political affiliation s not a battle ground it s just a platform to express divegenc views on how best to develop our country.thank u Rre Shaleshando 46 minutes ago via mobile · Like Bashi Kikia Yes Hon. Dumelang Saleshando. Agree with you on this one. Good luck! 46 minutes ago via mobile · Like Jemimah Kanyenvu O boetsi palamenteng go tlhamaletsi our president..... 45 minutes ago via mobile · Like Dave Sekaka Story se se khutshwane hela ke gore o je mma Mogami, theres already a shortage of sound and strong opposition voices in parliament, so we cannot manage to lose you. Infact I pray that UDC does not stand so that we all channel opposition votes to BCP in this particular constituency 45 minutes ago · Like · 1 Goaba Kerekang Punah Nlebgwa i hope u will now stop doubtin this man..... This man is a true leader my friend 45 minutes ago · Like Comphy Dubani Comfort But the problem is that we cannot be expected as opposition members to trust opposition leaders who do business with the ruling party members. 43 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 2 Keamogetse Modirwagale Well said 44 minutes ago · Like Naco Bolote Big question, are we assuming people vote based on issues?what are these issues? 43 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 2 Rumbizaye Mpofu e thamaletse ga e tlhoke ruler my President, o setse o nale sit ko palamenteng next year. 42 minutes ago · Like Joe Tebogo Mogome MR President, my president, righteouness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. You inspire uprightness and i admire your fear of the Lord. 37 minutes ago via mobile · Like Comphy Dubani Comfort The other time MOTSWALEDIs posters for 2014 were posted all over Gaborone Central and strong rumors are that some BCP members confesed that they did make the propaganda , hopefully thats what you mean by clean campaign. 36 minutes ago · Like · 1 Kgosikgolo Tsipro my personal take is dat whn presidential candidates also contest to be a constituency MP it shows that they dont believe their party can win th general elections. it also means they have to divide tgeir focus on their constituency and th party s nattional campaign. 34 minutes ago via mobile · Like Timoh Abia Gud words comrade but i have a litle question 4 u which rammidi failed 2answa.dumelang saleshando are doors n windows closed 4 bcp 2work with udc 2remove bdp in power come 2014? 31 minutes ago via mobile · Like Derrick Monnawamokala Gud luck cde 30 minutes ago via mobile · Like Anastacia Tlhabologang I loved the intellegence in you. A man who fear the Lord will succeed in life. 29 minutes ago · Like Dumelang Saleshando Timoh Abia, I would rather we dont make cooperation the main issue here, because it is not. I will inbox a response and if you want to engage me on the issue on FB we can do it as a stand alone issue some other day. 22 minutes ago · Like · 1 Gorata Phakedi Dave,o raya jang o re u wish udc e seka ya fielda a candidate so tht opposition e ka hlopha one person??????? why cant bcp yone not channel a candidate????? bcp e re hlakanetse le bdp nd ke dumela gore Batswana ba setse ba lemogile.....aaah,hei,re ka lapa 17 minutes ago via mobile · Like Ditiro Tshambane True leader, pple of ur calibre are a rare breed. As for opposition unity um still skeptical bout it, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, some of those guys are not credible, pple have lost trust in them 13 minutes ago via mobile · Like Dave Sekaka This is one of the strong holds tsa opposition, better we let BCP stand for it than UDC since BCP is tried and tested and can give BDP a stronger competition than UDC. We do not want to lose anymore constituencies to the BDP 13 minutes ago · Like Tumi Mogopa With utter respect i have always had for President,its within our rights to defend BCP in all cases,but to stand tall today and claim BCP can overcome,we still in slumber....picking from the above,BCP doesnt have any ideological or policy differences ...See More 12 minutes ago · Like Boca Shobashoba we nid a political projection 4rm UDC if ey intend winning our votes coz runing government means bureacracy so re batla their policies gr hw r ey going nominate presidency or prime minister and mostly the war which will tear our lovely country apart is the ministerial positions coz political orientation ya bne is opposing so ke dintwa hla nd nna i cnt take dat chance... 9 minutes ago · Like Kavelli T. Sankah Dumela Rre Dumelang Shaleshando..... m one person who defected from BDP ka 2004 to vote for u ke le student ko UB. u neva dissapointd me sir..... ur intelletual voice inspired me lots.. Jaanong ke kopa gore o nne fatshe le rre Motswaledi a batle constituency cos i want both of u ko parliament plisssss. e ntlhatswetse plis.... 9 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 3 Gorata Phakedi Dave,tried nd tested??????le nna i will tell u gore candidate ya udc is the most tested politician in our country nd thus make us opposition party members to respect nd trust him with our votes 7 minutes ago via mobile · Like Kavelli T. Sankah Plis i think the incumbent sitting mp rre Dumelang o siame we nid him thata.... Rre Motswaledi s well bt he shud b fielded le ga ele ko Gaborone North Rakhudu o butse golo kwa ke go mo itaya white wash then we shall b having Boko Dums Sir G ko Parley... mayb form a coalition cos Bulela Di Paletswe yone ya tswa 2014 2 minutes ago via mobile · Like Dave Sekaka @Gorata, ga ke nyatse the extent at which the UDC candidate has been tested. it would help us as opposition to field a candidates that has so much experience in constituency; in this case the incumbent to tussle with the BDP and reduce the risk of giving kgaolo to BDP. If BDP was not contesting I would not have a problem with anyone of the opposition members to stand because whoever wins will still be from the opposition 2 minutes ago · Like
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:32:14 +0000

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