Dumortierite with Druzy Agate Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. I - TopicsExpress


Dumortierite with Druzy Agate Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. I only use natural gemstone beads known for their innate energies that heals & protect. Each beautiful bracelet reflects specific energy through the combination of gemstones. Free delivery within Bahrain. Shipping can be arranged by Registered or EMS Post Office within GCC & across the globe on buyer’s account. ...This Christmas...Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are mother natures natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing. Giving yourself a gemstone is a form of self-healing... Gemstones has healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Throughout history gemstones have been used for their healing properties and in spiritual practices. The energy that the stones imparted to their wearers made the rare and beautiful gems treasurable. Today, science recognizes the inherent powers of gemstones in the technological uses of crystals in watches, lasers, and computers. However, the more subtle influences, such as their ability to promote physical healing in the body, or their power to help balance human emotions, elude modern science. Deposits have been found in Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Canada, Poland, France, Brazil and the USA. The meaning of its name comes from the name of the French paleontologist Dumortier, who it was named after. Dumortierite is a stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself. It will help you to take control of your own life and increase your level of patience. Once you begin to use Dumortierite regularly they will enhance your patience and this will flow on to make the process easier. This stone is also a stone for helping those of you with addictions, to more easily work through the issues involved. It will help you with problems of addictions... by highlighting the patterns in your current life that underlie why you have these addictions. Dumortierite is said to promote a positive attitude to life and to help you to stay young at heart. It is also said to increase assertiveness and self-confidence encouraging you to speak out when you feel you are being treated unfairly. In addition Dumortierite is said to calm and focus you in traumatic situations giving you the tools to cope with a crisis. This stone acts as an aid to your mental capabilities in overcoming tough situations. It opens the third eye chakra to enhance mental (and emotional) intelligence. This crystal is very stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with all mental skills, both mathematical and language based. Emotionally, dumortierite greatly reduces problems with having a disorganized and scattered mind and thought process. This brings greater clarity of mind that can help see and accept reality. This ability to see and accept reality helps one react to it in an organized and intelligent manner on ones behalf. Self-reliance, self-discipline, and self-control are thereby increased. It can also help reduce the stubbornness especially which stems from lack of clarity, and stubbornness that is ultimately harmful to ones best interest. Dumortierite is an excellent stone for lifting depression. Seeing reality and the inherent organization in the world clearly replaces depression with peace and happiness. Dumortierite promotes mental discipline especially in regard to learning new things. Students find it useful when they are required to take in large amounts of data over short periods of time, because it aids memory. Dumortierite is a stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. This sense of orderliness omes to all arenas, which can release fear and bring courage and peace to ones life. Dumortierite brings this sense of order and clarity to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to ones life. It is also acts as a booster for creativity and expression, bringing raw creative energy into an organized state allowing higher expression of that creativity. By keeping a piece of Dumortierite under your pillow at night, this will be an effective way to get the stones energy to work with you for a long period of your day. Alternatively (or as well) you may prefer to wear it during the day... just keep it within your aura to gain the most from its unique vibration. It is highly stimulating to the pineal gland located behind the third eye in the forehead. If you have the potential to develop psychic powers... it is a powerful stone to amplify many psychic gifts. These stones will aid you if you work in psychic employment, including if you work in the astrology field, or are a tarot reader. Your accuracy, in your interpretation of the information that you receive from the Divine mind... is aided by this stone. Want To Enhance Your Intellectual Abilities? This dark blue stone, has a strong ability to aid intellectual activity within the brain.... and will assist you to develop enhanced mental abilities. Dumortierite is a highly useful aid for anyone who is studying... as it assists the retention of information... as well as enhancing your will power, and capacity for self mastery. They help you to stabilize your emotions, and this is helpful as these stones can create a large degree of change. If you are willing to work with the change... these crystals bring many gifts to you. They will also assist you to be patient... which is always an asset especially if you work with the public. It is primarily a stone of the third eye chakra but it will also have a beneficial effect within the crown chakra and the throat chakra. The pineal gland is located within the third eye chakra and is located behind the middle of the forehead. It is this area... the origin of psychic ability that is highly stimulated by the use of this stone. Physically, dumortierite is used in crystal healing to help with cooling the body, throat, thyroid, and parathyroid, detoxification, overstimulation, hyperactivity, spleen, skin disorders, diabetes, metabolic system, endocrine system, blood. Due to its energy of self-discipline it is often used in weight loss or attaining ideal weight. Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 07:03:50 +0000

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