Durbin expressed his outrage on Facebook early this week, saying a - TopicsExpress


Durbin expressed his outrage on Facebook early this week, saying a Republican congressman meeting with Obama about the shutdown told the president: I cannot even stand to look at you. **************************************************** Senator Dick (Turban) Durbin (Democrat, Illinois), say that during the government shutdown a Republican said to Obamas face, I canont even stand to look at you. Read Chicago Tribune columnist John Cass story (below), to see which one it was... *************************************************** Outrage drove Captain Ahab relentlessly after that great white whale, and apparently, it drives Sen. Dick Durbin too. Durbin, the unctuous Democrat running for re-election in President Barack Obamas political home state, is consumed by outrage. And hes famous for chasing the Republicans on the high seas of his anger. This week, hes outraged once again. But this time, for a price. This one has nothing to do with his indignation of years ago, when he loudly compared American troops to Nazis for the way they allegedly treated suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay. He kinda-sorta apologized for that one, saying he was sorry if anyone was offended. But Durbin is not apologizing this time. Hes outraged by an unidentified Republican who may have disrespected the face of the president, even if the White House says the insult that Durbin is outraged about didnt happen. Durbin expressed his outrage on Facebook early this week, saying a Republican congressman meeting with Obama about the shutdown told the president: I cannot even stand to look at you. Unfortunately for Durbin, White House press secretary Jay Carney said he looked into Durbins story, even spoke to someone at the meeting, and told reporters the presidential face was not dishonored. It did not happen, Carney said. That seems clear enough. And it would have started to fade away, except we learned Thursday that Durbin had sent out a fundraising letter. The senior senator from Illinois cited the apparent outrage to Obamas face, but suggested hed feel a lot better if Democrats sent him $16. In his fundraising pitch, Durbin writes: Let me ask you: What are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said, I cannot even stand to look at you? A few paragraphs down he writes Please, click here to send my campaign $16 — one dollar for every day of the reckless and irresponsible Republican Shutdown — or whatever you can afford. Thats right, Durbin was so upset that President Obamas face was disrespected — by a Republican who the White House says does not exist — that Durbin is willing to take 16 bucks. Sixteen bucks to assuage a mythical insult to a presidents face? How noble is that? The campaign for Doug Truax, a West Point graduate and Republican running for Durbins seat, found the Durbin letter. Truax said Durbin should return the money pronto. When reporters kept asking on Thursday, the White House issued another statement saying that there was miscommunication about what was said at the meeting. In other words, an unnamed White House aide fell on an unseen political sword to protect Durbin, whod attacked a non-existent Republican for not genuflecting before Obamas face. Then Durbin put out yet another statement, again on Facebook, thanking the White House: I appreciate this clarification from the White House that explains recent conflicting reports on the GOP quote. It is important now to move beyond the unfortunate events of the last few weeks and work together constructively so that were not faced with another shutdown showdown or debt-ceiling debacle. Blah, blah, blah. Even a chumbolone like me from a blue state like this one can figure this out. Durbin tried to use something that didnt happen to manufacture anger in a fundraising letter. He not only baited his own hook, he swallowed it whole like a bullhead in some Illinois pond. Then Durbin started wiggling and the White House, taking pity on Sen. Bullhead, cut the slimly fish loose so he could swim free once again in the muddy fundraising waters. Unfortunately, while Durbin was engaged with mythic presidential face disrespecting, he missed two other outrages. Both involved liberal racism ignored by much of the media and by many Democrats. During a broadcast, CNBC showed a photograph of Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. And CNBC reporter Steve Liesman said this: Can we get some music to go along with that? Some Mexican music, maybe. Some Mexican music, Mr. Liesman? With trumpets and sombreros? Liberals werent outraged with Liesmans racism, because, to put it simply, Cruz is a Republican. Im not a big Cruz fan. When Cruz speaks, Im not thinking about limited government. I just cant stop looking at his Count Chocula eyebrows, and Im thinking instead about Saturday cartoons on TV, some milk and maybe a bowl of Frankenberry. But seeing a Latino and calling for Mexican music? Thats racist. And if I did it, Id be in a lot of trouble. Liesman issued a Durbin-style apology, saying he wanted to sincerely apologize if my remarks were insensitive. If? Also this week, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, the liberal Democrat from Orlando, Fla., compared the tea party movement to the Ku Klux Klan. In a Grayson campaign email, he used a photograph of a burning cross with Klansmen around it. The cross became the T in Tea Party in Graysons message. Grayson wouldnt apologize for playing the Klan kard. His spokesman sent out this response. If the shoe fits, wear it. Thats how outrage works in American politics. When conservatives say stupid things, theyre rightfully and loudly condemned. But when liberals do it? There is no outrage. There isnt even much media noise. Its not like the thrashing of a killer white whale on the high seas. Instead, its about as loud as the sound of one fish fin clapping in a muddy creek. Right, Sen. Bullhead? jskass@tribune twitter @John_Kass Copyright © 2013 Chicago Tribune Company, LLC
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:58:30 +0000

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