Durga Shakti Nagpal is bold I.A.S. officer. She is daughter of - TopicsExpress


Durga Shakti Nagpal is bold I.A.S. officer. She is daughter of ‘Bharatmata’ Her suspension is wrong action. As I feeling, Initially a fresh I.A.S. or I.P.S. officer taking an oath of allegiance to serve the nation. But day by day in public administration, unnecessary & illegal interference of dirty game of politics is goingon, that’s why most of the officers get themselves, restricted in doing fair and just work. If they do not fulfil the whims of so-called politicians, they get suppressed in their official work. At present sincere, honest, bold and independent officers are in minority and they are not well connected with each other. Every officer is having a legal protection in the democracy but, they have no moral and positive support from any side. If a sizeable number of the dedicated, dutiful, sincere and honest officers is organized, consequently illegal unnecessary political pressure will be infructuous. Such type of organization will create an atmosphere of “National Integrity” and will be able to control the downfall of moral values in Govt.-Machinery. Every officer having a concept of full dedication and devotion to the nation, who wants to protect the public interest according to law, should be a member of such organization. After some time we will see that every member of such association will acquire respect and they will be identified as dignified officers due to their own reputation. Such type of officers should remain in close contact with each-other through the association. There should be useful discussions and discourses time to time so that each officer will be motivated through the activities of association. Its criteria for the membership and objects, may be discussed elaborately. Gradually membership of such an association will expand throughout the country resulting in greater confidence in discharge of their official functions. After a while, such a movement will necessarily curb the tendency of undue and illegal political interference. There is a great need to create an atmosphere of “National-Integrity”, so as to preventing crime and corruption entering in the Govt.-Machinery.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:02:18 +0000

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