Durga (Tara Devi) Puja & Chasing Mirage of Political Hinduism - TopicsExpress


Durga (Tara Devi) Puja & Chasing Mirage of Political Hinduism Posted in Buddhism and Human Rights, Buddhism and Sustainable Development, Buddhist History, Comparative studies, Contemporary Buddhism By Sona Kanti Barua Durga Puja (Tara Devi) In the ocean of humanity there are no human rights in the Vedic (Hindu) tragedy of caste system. Ariyan King Indra destroyed Indus civilization (Mohenzo-daro and Harappa’s Pre- historical Kanaka Muni & Kassapa Buddha’s Buddhism) and Brahmanism was started to absorb Buddhism. Now Hindu fundamentalists are killing Christians in Orissa and Karnataka. We believe the degradation of Hindu & Muslims terrorists’ degradation is human society’s degradation. Even today in the name of religion fundamentalists are killing Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Dalit - Buddhists and poor low castes people in South Asia. Anticlerical or Brahman’s political Hinduism’s factor in the Buddhist movement was started for the establishment of the democratic society. But Brahman Mafia prayed to the power of the emperor Akbar and Brahmin scholars complied and edited the Allah Upanisad during his reign and declared Prophet Mohammad as an Avatar of their religion. Later emperors Shahazahan and Aurangazeb did not support the Din – E- Elahi religion of Akbar. In the same way Brahman scholars made the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwar as the Hindu God Siva. There is no name of God – Siva in the Vedas. Buddhist goddess Tara became Brahman’s Durga or Kali devi. Now Hindu politicians made Muslim Abul Kalam Azad as the president of India and Sikh Manmohan Singh as the Prime Minister of India. All political keys of power are in Brahmin mafia’s hands. Brahmin mafia control fate of Indians. Thus modern leaders of Hinduism and Brahmin mafia’s eclectic, syncretistic and apologetic Hinduism scarcely reveal an awareness of the delicate difficulty in understanding the faith of other. Today’s Tibetan Buddhism was copied from the Bengal’s Tantric Buddhism in 12th century and later scholars found the Buddhist Charyapada text (first Bangla book) in Tibetan language. There are countless stories of individual and mass racism in South Asia. We must not tolerate the abuse of dignity of man and creeping rot of routine discrimination. We are unable to resign ourselves to it as a regrettable attribute of human - ocean of nature. The Hindu ruler Pushyamitra Sunga demolished 84,000 Buddhist temples and pagodas which had been built by Ashoka the great.( Romila Thaper, Ashoka and Decline of Mouryas, London, 1961, page 200). India’s Hindu priests’ tumultuous legacy of caste and livelihood system makes their followers’ captives of their faith. Whereas after India regained political independence from the British, the Government of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru took the wheel of the Buddha’s Dharma of Ashok cakra on national flag. The official seal of the government contains Ashokan symbols of the beating drums of righteousness in all the four quarters of the world. Whereas this is very painful situation concerning the sacred Buddha Gaya Maha Bodhi Temple of world Buddhists’ holiest religious pilgrimage place being controlled by Hindu fundamentalist organizations. The shame of Indian Secularism is attached herewith. There is no Buddha Puja in Hindu temples. The question arises is the Buddha really Hindu’s avatar? Hindu confiscated Buddhist identity and temples from Tirupati, Ahole, Undavalli, Ellora, Bengal, Puri, Badrinath, Mathura, Ayodhya, Sringeri, Buddhagaya, Saranath, Delhi, Nalanda, Gudiallam, Nararjuna konda, Srisailam and Sabarimala (Lord Ayyappa) in Kerala are some of the striking examples of the Brahman Mafia’s usurpation of the Buddhist centres. There is no holiday on the occasion of the Buddha Purnima in West Bengal. But West Bengal’s chief minister’s name is Buddha deb Bhattacharya. We have to say shame on you. The shame on Indian secularism! Recently we have surprised as we read the highlighted front page news in Indian news media dated November 8, 2006 entitled on “The Indian Secularism in question.” As we know from the minority report that Muslim excluded from India’s Spy Agency including Buddhists, Dalits, and Sikhs. The constitution of the Democratic Republic of India assures that India is secular country where all religions would be revered and have the right to flourish without disturbing others as Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century BC also declared. But the policy of the present government as Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists, Dalits excluded from RAW (External spy agency, the research and Analysis Wing). Let the world know the cruel and crooked face of disguising Indian Secularism. It is also most remarkable that India failed to fight with anti-clericalism. But the revolutionaries in Catholic Europe in 1820, 1830, 1848, and 1870 explicitly regarded priestly power as an enemy. The Papal States as a “government of priests” indicated to anti - clerical Europeans all that was evil. Unfortunately, Hindu Brahmins and Muslim Mollas (clericals) religious hypocrisy, social pomp and intellectual stupidity made people’s lives miserable in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindu Brahmin mafia encouraged priestly participation in national governments, municipalities, election, education, lands and capital ownership. Many greedy Brahmins and Muslim mollas are vice-ridden goblins who were often compared to drones in the social hive and they enjoyed unproductive life of the friars of gurus. As an example, monkey god Hanuman is prayed by the Hindus but Brahmins and Hindus made the Buddha as their God, there is no Buddha worshiping or puja in Hindu temples. Brahmin mafia took over world Buddhists’ holiest temple Buddhagaya by their political forces to rob all donations from Buddhist countries. Brahmin mafia re-Hinduized Buddha, Buddhism and Buddhist temples. Have Muslims and Buddhists human Rights in Hindu society? Indian subcontinent’s history of racial discrimination is a long and shameful one of Vedic civilization. Brahmanism destroyed Pre-Vedic - Buddhism of Indus civilization as Swapan Kumar Biswas wrote a book in 1999 entitled “Buddhism: the religion of Mohenzodaro and Harappa cities.” A group of Human rights activists has thus rises, with lessons from the past (In 830 A. D. Brahmin mafia kings killed Buddhists and many Buddhists converted into Muslims), danger at present and in the foreseeable future. Swami Vivekananda observed, “And such was the heart of Sankara that he burnt to death lots of the Buddhist monks by defeating them in argument. What can you call such an action on Sankara’s part except fanaticism.”(Complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol VII. P. 118). Brahmanism destroyed the secularization of the Indian Mind of Buddhist India Brahmanism destroyed the secularization of the Indian Mind of Buddhist India. In the Secularization of the Indian Mind justice denied and injustice directly conducted by the Government of Brahmin mafia’s India. India’s Hindu caste system devitalizes a man. In the Brahman Mafia’s law Muslim or Sikh is a process of sterilization. Wealth without education is barren. Each is necessary to everyone. Human Rights are necessary for the growth of a man or human development. Are there Human Rights in Hinduism? It sounds no. The answer is that Buddha, Prophet Mohammad and Guru Nanak wanted to take concrete steps to destroy the gospel inequality of caste and livelihood. Humanity is as like as ocean, no religion could divide it in a name of any religion. According to the Buddhist history there were 23 Buddhas before predecessors of the Gautama Buddha. But Vedic Brahmins destroyed pre-Vedic Buddhism. Now high caste people are killing Dalits who converted into Buddhism. The Brahman Mafia made Hindu politicians as Brahmins’ slaves and as Toronto’s Canindia News editor remarked, ”A Sikh can not be guarded by Sikhs – so stupid.” Power transforms what it touches. As an example, Hindu political religion made the Buddha as their avatar and inserted in the Ramayana’s Ayodhya chapter verse no 32, “Buddha is like a thief, know the Buddha to be an atheist.” In hate speech cases against anti-human right the context of about the activities of political minds of Hindu India. The political authorities concerned must expedite a maneuver, both legislatively and administratively which will absolutely hamper the occurrence of such events in future. The Brahmin mafia made walls of caste and livelihood. Buddha at first attacked the clericalism of Brahminism. Opposition to Brahmin mafia’s clerical authority, as well as fear and ridicule of priests are age old within Hindu religion and political systems. Brahmin mafias have claimed to the sole authority from a cradle to a cemetery in Hindu religion and social systems. No blind religious fundamentalists recognize all human beings are endowed with the inalienable dignities of equality and uniqueness which makes each of us precious beyond measure. They have to learn that we are governed by our compassion for each another, our humanity and common family.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 23:42:25 +0000

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