During Wilderness First Responder training, although the knowledge - TopicsExpress


During Wilderness First Responder training, although the knowledge of human body and the backcountry improvised treatments are overwhelming, the most intense and stressful source comes from the scenarios. People with all kinds of injuries scream, cry, howl, shock and die in your hands. I know the scenarios are not real, but they are still extremely stressful and intense... 最近在上野外急救員訓練,每天都裝了滿腦袋的人體知識和野外急救處理,頭昏腦脹的回家。可是壓力最大的還是來自情境模擬。看著滿臉是假血的同學哭喊慘叫,在你手中休克死亡,雖然知道是假的,還是覺得壓力超大.....
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:10:54 +0000

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