During World War 1 & 2 Canadians from coast to coast stepped up - TopicsExpress


During World War 1 & 2 Canadians from coast to coast stepped up and put their lives on the line in defense of the Freedom most of us take for granted these days. We were fighting against Fascism, Totalitarian Rule and the Oppression of people we didnt know and would likely never meet. We fought with distinction, fearlessness and honor against a ruthless enemy, but by the end of those wars Canada had gained immense respect from both our allies and enemies alike. We won battles against odds that seemed insurmountable at the time and did so in truly Heroic fashion. There have been many battles since then and our reputation for serving with both Honor, dignity and Compassion has only increased with each engagement. For decades now, we have enjoyed almost universal respect and admiration among people and nations across the globe in spite of our relatively small population and our even smaller military. I mention all this so as to illustrate just how far we have fallen in less than a decade of rule under the Harper led Conservative Party of Canada. The fascism our former countrymen and women fought against looking down the barrel of a gun, has gained almost complete control over our Nation. It didnt happen at gunpoint, there were no tanks, no battle lines, no soldiers. It has been done by men in suits carrying briefcases not bombs. It happened while we were all to busy Keeping up with the Kardashians or watching football or hockey. We turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the steady erosion of our rights and freedoms, we have let corporate greed and the money it spends infiltrate our government and our courts, we stopped asking questions of our elected officials and foolishly trusted that they had our best interests at heart. As I see it, the only consolation is in the fact the men and women who fought so hard to maintain our way of life are long dead now, otherwise it would break their collective hearts. We are dangerously close to losing any chance to put a stop to the ongoing destruction of our sovereignty and to reverse the damage that has been done at the hands of Harper and his merry band of morons. I know many of you are looking to the next election and thinking we can fix our problem then, but the real problem is that it still gives the Conservatives another year to finish their agenda or dismantling Canada and selling it off to the highest bidder. If we do not come together in force of number and demand an immediate stop to any and all further trade agreements currently being negotiated then I fear that there will be no fixing what Harper has done. Please people, wake up!!!, get informed, get angry, and get off the couch, turn off the TV and take some action before what remains of your right to do so is stripped away. Your childrens future depends on it.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 06:19:06 +0000

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