During a recent discussion in the class one day I had the perfect - TopicsExpress


During a recent discussion in the class one day I had the perfect opportunity to ask the students what they thought was the most powerful weapon in the world. Boys being boys all shouted out answers like assault rifles, nuclear bombs or other such similar answers. The girls just sat there not venturing to offer an answer eventually one of the boys asks me what do you think is the most powerful weapon in the world Mr Hellier. I just smiled at first and said “in my opinion I think the answer is words! This bought out groans of derision by the boys” Words that is a dumb answer they said . One of the girls asked me Why did you say that Mr Hellier? I said with words we can either build people up or we can use words to destroy a person, I have listened to a lot of you in the class and as soon as someone says something you don’t agree with what is the first thing you do? You start calling the person names and telling them they are dumb or whatever other derogatory name you can think of! I think sometimes you need to pause before you say anything and think before you speak so I wrote up on the board THINK before you say something ask yourself if it is True, is it Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary and is it Kind ? Seeing what I had done started us off on the subject of how we talk to each other and what we often say to each other I told them that I was taught that the only time I needed to say something was if it was more important than keeping quiet. 2 things that I have learnt about using words is Don’t take things personally . What other people say about you is their reality, NOT YOURS!. And Speak when you are angry and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret!!
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 00:50:21 +0000

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