During hurricane season, heavy rains, flash floods, and storm - TopicsExpress


During hurricane season, heavy rains, flash floods, and storm surge all increase the risk of flooding. And with the Atlantic hurricane season starting June 1, now is the time to prepare your clients for the possibility of flooding by encouraging them to purchase a flood insurance policy. Remember, it typically takes 30 days for a flood insurance policy to go into effect, so there is no time to delay. Check out the AOLImpact Make a Difference module today, May 2, helping remind people how quickly the cost of flooding adds up. Recently, Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology Project released a “below average” prediction for the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season. However, experts still predict that we could see nine tropical storms, three of which could intensify into hurricanes with one becoming a major hurricane. The last below-average seasonal prediction was in 2009, when nine named storms, including two major hurricanes — Bill and Fred — resulted in more than $77 million in damage. While early predictions are an important indicator of what is to come, weather can be unpredictable. It’s important to remind your clients that it only takes one storm to cause significant flood damage, and to ensure they’re financially covered for all possibilities before the first hurricane forms. The average hurricane produces more than half an inch of rain a day. In fact, precipitation during a hurricane can fill about 22 million Olympic-sized swimming pools before factoring in water generated from storm surge. So, use this link https://floodsmart.gov/toolkits/flood/index.htm to learn more about flood insurance and how flooding could affect you.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 12:30:00 +0000

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