During my Rumi style meditation dancing with the vibrational - TopicsExpress


During my Rumi style meditation dancing with the vibrational energy of the universe; I just made a connection to the framework of the matrix using sacred numerology; I will say is neutral (the 3rd or middle) to both Light and dark, like the Ying yang most people will see the two halfs only, for the consist conflict between the two. However there is a 3rd or middle the line in-between this is advance meta-physics, which brings balance between the 2: Numerology is that each number as a mystical meaning, the pattern of all things. Numerology is like DNS (Domain Name System) the domain your in is the electromagnetic universe our actions like love or hate creates electromagnetic energy based on the frequency of the emotion which affects our consciousness. What we create, to what energy frequency we create in life we get that back. Research the different electromagnetic frequencies tied to emotions. So the act of preforming a ritual is using the energy you creating like a code/pattern for a program in a matrix like a database... for examples: --- My paper is 36 pages (0.5 margins) 3 + 6 is 9 - in mysticism 3 equals new life or unity three into one. 6 means constructivism or construction. 9 equals consciousness. So unity construction consciousness is what the amount of pages represent --- the 13,000 words the 13 is like the chakras so 13 is complete cosmic divineness or aka one with source --- so if you put the concept of the pages and words together it means unity construction conscious of complete cosmic divinity @ risingplanetproduction.blogspot/p/blog-page_21.html &&& In the picture below, on the left of Max I the top five means pentagram pointing up; the key about up or down is your invoking with up and blocking down; so it means invoking magic. then on the right is 2345 break it about 23 is well known two 3rds (2/3) to equal 666 the mark of the beast and that 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 with 1 +8 = 9 the whole key is 9 for it means Consciousness; like Jesus said 144,000 will be saved but 1 + 4 +4 = 9. Rather it is 666 or 144 they both equal 9 it basically means which type of Consciousness. then the 45 is 4+5 = again 9 but that could be vastly redundant it could mean also 4 to the power of 5 which is 20 and in some ancient cultures like the Mayans and others; Consciousness evolved at a magnitude of 20. so put it all together it could mean invoking beast Consciousness evolution; I say again beast because if they wanted Consciousness only they would have used 36 or 54 or 72 they were specific for 23, those or the things I look for in every single new report ever and guess what its there in everything. If you want to play the game you have to understand how. OR OR OR its all magic as in Top five magic 2 +3 = 5 with the 4 +5 = 9 ((I just saw the other 5 on the far right )) then 5 and 555 is a true Holy magic number with 9 again meaning Consciousness. But my point is they do it to us all the time. &&& In other news articles randomly around the world from pictures below: 1) From jiji press last during the World Cup, the news article as 12 wells, the 12 is important to keep track of it means perfection coming from the bad guys its their perfect plan 2) the 12 dead at the shooting in Paris, the 12 again... Again it means perfection coming from the bad guys its their perfect plan 3) The CERN project in has 27 countries the 2+ 7 is 9 again consciousness, in this meaning its the consciousness of the world governments. I say world government’s consciousness because it would never be the people’s consciousness if they knew the full truth. 4) A random found Fox news story the 7 (like the seven stars) terrorists and they killed 148 which is 1 + 4 + 8 = 13 like all the examples below. this fox news article is designed to make you fear 7 and 13 think about who this is coming from Fox they are the bad guys of course they want you to fear what can set you free. --- This pattern is in everything: I said before the 13th is neutral to both Dark and Light, if it was 14 there would be consistent conflict, it would then be 15 there would also be a 3rd or an odd to balance the two, this teaching concept is from general all doctrines, please read below: Hindu/Tibetan: There are 13 Chakras/lotuses 6 positive/solar charkas 6 negative/lunar Chakras/lotuses and 1 neutral Chakras/lotuses judeo-christian/Hebrew: Metatrons cube has 13 circles 6 outer circles, 6 inner circles, and 1 central circle Quantum physics: Carbon-7 has 13 subatomic particles total as 6 protons 6 electrons 1 neutron Also 12 strand DNA which is 6 Helixes each helix is one twist paired strain with the 13th strain in the middle of the Helixes neutrally binding them all together; as seen in the picture of a 4 strain quadruple helix in the picture below, there is a hidden 5th strain. Zodiac: From our perspective on Earth looking at the Sun in the star constellations there are 13 with the 13th in the center of the Galaxy which is perfect harmony; most people use only 12 giving each sign overlapping other signs because each constellations is of different size which is not in harmony; which is what many want. --- Rumi (Sufism with Quantum physics) Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Rumis importance is considered to transcend national and ethnic borders. Iranians, Turks, Afghans, Tajiks, and other Central Asian Muslims as well as the Muslims of South Asia have greatly appreciated his spiritual legacy in the past seven centuries. Rumi’s poem: “Cross and Christian, from end to end I surveyed, He was not on the cross. I went to the idol temple, to the ancient pogoda, No trace was visible there. I bent the reins of search to the Kaaba, He is not in that resort of old and young. I gazed into my own heart; there I saw him, he was nowhere else, in the whirl of its transport my spirit was tossed, till each atom of separate being I lost 13” ^^^ at the bottom it says “Till each atom of separate being I lost 13” that was written before 1273 AD. In 1913 AD Niels Bohr Quantum theory revolutionized physics in which an electron could only orbit the nucleus in particular circular orbits with fixed angular momentum and energy, its distance from the nucleus (i.e., their radii) being proportional to its energy. In scientific terms that is saying atoms in empty space and empty space is void. ^^^ ALSO (From part 1) There are 13 --- In Greek, the name of Jesus is spelled I H S O U S (iota, eta, sigma, omicron, upsilon, sigma). Each Greek letter has a numerical value, so if we then take each letter in the name of Jesus and add them up, the total comes to. Greek Letters = Arabic Equivalent I iota = 10 H eta = 8 S sigma = 200 O omicron = 70 U upsilon = 400 S sigma = 200 Total = 888 888 is also a Triad (Triangle) number, meaning it is divisible by the number 3. (888/3=296) Using the Trinity principle, 8 to the 3rd power is 512 added three more times to total 1536. It takes SEVEN sequences of the Trinity Principle to arrive at the base triangle number of 153 – the exact number of the fishes in the net. (John 21:11). Seven is the WATERMARK of all creation God’s ‘Firmament’. &&& Judeo-Christian Esoterica: Esoteric thinkers working with Hebrew and the names of God might place the Hebrew letters for YHWH and ADNI (Yahweh and Adonai) within the points of an Octagram. For the picture of the Hebrew letters binsalaam.tripod/Alphabet_files/image003.gif Hebrew Letters = Arabic Equivalent below for Yahweh equaling 888 in Hebrew letters:
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:02:51 +0000

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