During my battle with depression, my doctor prescribed Zoloft. - TopicsExpress


During my battle with depression, my doctor prescribed Zoloft. Because of the history of addiction in my family, I did not want to take it. I asked her for alternatives. She told me about alternatives that she said MAY work for me when done in unison: meditation, persistently addressing & changing my thought patterns, prayer, releasing unhealthy attachments to people, walking in my neighborhood. It wasnt until years later that I consistently & faithfully tried these alternatives. I was facing the most painful transition of my life, losing dozens of relationships that I thought would be lifelong & hurt by leaders that I trusted. I spiraled into a bout with depression worse than any I had every experienced before. One afternoon, I was in my room with the blinds closed, in turmoil and crying. Depression whispered to me: Youre going to die here. It was the last lie I ever positioned myself for it to tell me. Grace was there & I grabbed it. I slowly sat up in bed, sobbed until I was drained...and went back to that list the doctor gave me. And I WERKED all of those areas. I built an anti-depression program that worked for me. I learned to shake what wants to break me quicker than I once did. I gave people to the Lord. And, with the Lords help, I closed the door to the way depression entered in. This is my story. Might not be your story. If youre struggling with depression, your way out may be different. Whatever your way, when you see that glimmer of hope, that smallest light that seems so far away, walk towards it. If you need counseling, get it. You are not going to die there.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:25:01 +0000

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