During our marketing meeting today, the conversation centered - TopicsExpress


During our marketing meeting today, the conversation centered around the increased shift in supplement use in the CrossFit community over the years. In the early days it was Crossfit regularly, eat Paleo and take some fish oil (if you could afford it). With the rapid growth and popularity of the CF Games, I think we are seeing more people chase athletic/sport performance and using supplements to aid in recovery to support the increased demands and volume of the training. Personally, Im not against supplement use, I just prefer to eat real food in favor of powdered shakes, post workout recovery drinks and protein bars filled with hard to pronounce, crappy ingredients. Of course, individual goals may vary, but the increased acceptance of supplements (in addition to the excessive volume of popular training programs like Invictus) CF 2.0 is a far cry from what CF 1.0 looked like less 4 years ago when the handful of competitive Games athletes were the only ones working out three times a day and downing recovery shakes like its water. Now it just seems like everyone is an aspiring Games athlete. What happened to the weekend warrior?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:22:06 +0000

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