During the 1930s, President Roosevelt initiated a program called - TopicsExpress


During the 1930s, President Roosevelt initiated a program called the Civilian Conservation Corps, also known as the CCCs. My father worked in the CCC program. He worked building roads in Nevada. Other CCC workers worked in national parks, city infrastructures, and other areas needing work. It employed thousands at a time when unemployment was rampant nationwide. When I was discharged from military service, I was in a supermarket buying groceries when I noticed a black woman (or African-American, if you prefer) paying for her groceries with food stamps. I genuinely felt sorry for the woman. After paying for my groceries and exiting the store, that same woman drove past me in a full-sized, late model Cadillac. I immediately stopped feeling sorry for her. That is a clear example there is much, MUCH fraud in both the food stamp and welfare programs. If a person cannot work, I dont have a problem helping them out. Because I am disabled and unable to work, I understand how people really need that help. However, I have a problem with people who CAN work, but prefer to sit on their fat asses and just collect free welfare money. FREE welfare money. Free money from taxpayers. There is much work to be done in this nation including, but not limited to, graffiti clean up, litter clean up, vacant overgrown lots to be cleaned up, roads fixed, sidewalks put in where there are no sidewalks, and on and on and on. Instead of just sitting on their fat asses watching Oprah, The Price Is Right, The Young and the Restless, or shooting crap into their veins, the recipients of Welfare should be forced to get outside and DO something for that free money. They wont go find a job, because they get more money by being on Welfare. So, make this condition: do something in your community to improve it or do without the money. There are probably millions of Welfare recipients. If most of those millions went to work to help clean up and improve their community, places like Detroit will not look like the cesspool it is. Cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and so on, will be dramatically improved, the people will still get their money, and the nation as a whole will benefit from it. The people who are against this are the Liberals, the Democrats, the assholes on the other side of the Conservatives. The Democratic party is the cancer in our nation. They are making this nation sick. Get rid of the Democrats entirely, and watch our nation improve, as well as its standard of living. That is my opinion. What is yours?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:02:43 +0000

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