During the holiday of Easter, egg consumption increases by over - TopicsExpress


During the holiday of Easter, egg consumption increases by over six fold in America, Mexico, Canada, and many parts of Europe. This leads to a phenomenon that scientists have come to call the equinoxical human carbon spike, commonly known as Egg Farts. Although it is still theoretical, the scientific community has told us to expect sharp rises in temperature for extended periods of time as a result from the global warming caused by Egg Farts. Science deniers will tell you that the rise in temperature is actually due to something called Spring and Summer, but dont let them fool you. This is just a diversionary tactic that they use to hold on to their old religious traditions. Act now, before it is to late. Call your congressman and tell them to pass a law banning the practice of Easter, once and for all. Do it for the children.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 05:29:48 +0000

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