During the last few days, many people have tottered from concerned - TopicsExpress


During the last few days, many people have tottered from concerned to panicky because of the excerbating haze situation. I agree, it is indeed a worsening situation and extremely worrisome to me, given my personal circumstances. But, having said that, i think it is unfair to blame the government. Sure, lets blame them for not issuing free masks, but really who could have predicted that the haze would have gotten this bad. What if the air quality returns to normal this weekend? Do we use them for halloween instead? At the same time, given the unpredictability of the situation, any reaction must be carefully calibrated. Asking the whole nation to stop work? That simply means a mass shut down of an economy which could in turn mean losses for companies who are not singaporean, but who employ them. It could also mean, flights to stop ,airports to shut down and people stuck for hours not knowing whether they can fly. Think about that unpronounceable icelandic volcano erupting. Compensating all these people could run into billions, which btw come from us. Would we be happy with a tax increase? Leads to more complaining. Theres only so much singapore can do, apart from invading sumatra and putting out them fires ourselves. I can already see thousands of reservists complaining on fb and releasing memes already. Lets be hopeful that the situation will pass. I def am, seeing the rays of sunshine pouring through the clouds from my office window. Oh wait, thats just smog.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 08:24:45 +0000

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