During the last fortnight, we have seen several claimaties and - TopicsExpress


During the last fortnight, we have seen several claimaties and dealt with many grevious situations in the mist of the current political turmoil. Whilst, the protestors are demanding the fall of this barberic regime in the name of Democracy, the rulers on the other hand are using the same shield of Democracy to rationalize their actions. In reality, what is this Democracy? Why this is being misconstrued so badly? Have we misjudged this concept? Today we see western world being far ahead of other nations economically and financially not because they follow the benchmarked practices or operate under the corrupt-free culture. It’s because those nations hold their rulers answerable should their conduct astrays the law. There is a sense of accountability and nobody is deemed to be above the law. In our society, however, we sit on the other extreme of the spectrum. Today, Gullu Butt moves freely despite of having visual proof of public vandalism; our sitting provincial Law Minister gets caught in a bribery deal who just laughs away at that CCTV footage evidencing his delinquency; and plenty of similar open money laundering cases still awaiting justice. Is this what Democracy is that we have inherited? Is Democracy all about taking unlimited power in hand and use it in the manner beneficial to them? When these morons will learn that Democracy stregnthens only when you share the power with the people. The more empowered a common man is, more moral authority the rulers attain. Unfortunately, in the race of this money and power, everybody puts their personal interest ahead of the national interests. I am surprised at the role of opposition too which in reality should act as a “voice of voiceless”. They are meant to challenge and probe Government constructively on thier policy matters. Ironically, we see our Opposition joining hands with Govenrment against the protestors who are seeking nothing but accountability. They know if the box opens, they will be exposed too and their political ascendancy & dominance will come to an end. Nobody is asking you to support PTI. Nobody is asking you to vote for IK as next PM. But for your own sake and for the generations to come, voice-up and stand against this injustice, tyranny and oppression. These rulers have been in power collectively for over 40 years and yet we are still on the drawing board trying to find the trajectory of prosperity and growth for our precious Pakistan.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:03:52 +0000

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