During the month of December we are looking at the prophecies - TopicsExpress


During the month of December we are looking at the prophecies concerning Christ in the Old Testament and the fulfillment in the New Testament. Today’s Old Testament prophecy comes from Ps34:20 and its fulfillment is in John 19:33. Prophecy - he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Fulfillment - But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. The Passover was about to begin and the Jewish leaders didn’t want Christ hanging on the cross during that time. His being there could only insight or inflame the feelings of the people. So they petitioned the governor to let them break the legs of the three that were on the crosses, the two criminals and Christ, so that they would die more quickly. The soldiers broke the legs of the two criminals but when they came to Christ they found that he had already died or, at least in the eyes the centurion, wasn’t exhibiting any living activity. But because the penalty was death to the guard if he let someone off the cross still alive, the centurion pierced Christ’s side with a spear. What came out of the wound was indicative of what would come out of a dead man who had been crucified. We can only speculate as to why Christ died as quickly as he did. Some have suggested that he died more quickly because he was beaten more severely prior to his being crucified. Others suggest that it was divine intervention that caused His death so quickly. But no matter what his quicker than normal death prevented the centurion from breaking his legs and so this prophecy was fulfilled. When you look at prophecy and see its fulfillment what do you think about? Do you think that is something of a coincidence or do you look at the hand of God and see his interaction with the human race? Today, look at some of the miracles that have occurred in your life and then take some time just to thank God that he intervenes regularly in both the world and your life.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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