During the past two months I have been pondering consciousness. I - TopicsExpress


During the past two months I have been pondering consciousness. I look upon my own conscious life, and that of people who live here on the rez. I go beyond and think of other consciousnesses here and there around humanity. Many scholars have spoken of the conscious mind; the unconscious mind; the super-conscious. These terms are fairly new to the world. Whole systems of knowledges, psychiatry, dream interpretation, and much more have evolved from these basic principles we call the mind. In more recent years, there has been a lot of focus of being in the NOW. Or, Be Where You Are When You Are There. To accomplish this feat we become more aware of the conscious aspect of the mind. An awareness of what is right here and now develops. This is what has happened in the very beginning. The use of the word beginning could mean when the first persons where born on this planet. It could also mean when you or I were born. We become conscious. In normal family circumstances children know who ones mom is. In the normal circumstances, a baby knows of its bond with mother. We are similar to puppies, and kittens, and wolves. We quickly learn to find nourishment. To drink of this nourishment makes us feel good. Feeling good is not the first feeling we experience at birth, but most certainly, it is one of our first experiences as a human. So is having the feeling of contentment. These awarenesses are extremely ancient. And yet, every day what is so ancient is experienced with the birth of new children. Natures children are included in this. The life-gifted propertys have journey ahead through time, with we humans. We get a little older. We first experience the community of child and mom. Then others in the family. In normal family circumstances, we experience security. Feelings of being safe. At the age of being a baby we do not recognize what the feeling of being safe is. It simply is a part of what is natural to life. We get older, we learn from the family and relatives which are around us. We are taken for walks and learn more of the world. We eventually reach out to what we now understand as culture. Ethnic culture, tribal culture, city culture, sub cultures, counter-cultures, drug culture, church culture, the culture of farm life, or town and city life. The list of cultures is long. We have a natural willingness to explore. Culture becomes the trail that every one of us has walked, and continue to walk. Hopefully, for all people, the spiritual comes and takes us into higher thinking and experiences. Why does this happen, this kind of journey? This helps us to identify our own self, feelings....an awareness of who we are, where we are, and what we are doing. From within we follow a blueprint that was born with us. It would be most difficult to accept that God came on the scene years after we were created, and then born. How could I say this? Simply put, God is the only One who can create a human life form. God is the only one who can give life to anything in this world. God animates a new life, with HIS Spirit. Patterned through HIS spirit. We most certainly are. We are continuing to do what the first humans on this earth did. To know yourself. To learn about what you choose to believe. HAPPY are they who accept God, whom I call the Great Mystery. The consciousness is not limited to come about at birth. The consciousness does not expire and simply disappear at the death of the human body. Our human species have the consciousness to know one another, and our natural relations. We were born within a pattern that was developed long ago. We have known GOD. We do know that we are related to systems beyond what we know. We reach out to explore where we are at any given time, ones own spirit takes it all in. This, then, will also create the future, immediately or otherwise. A few days ago, these thoughts of consciousness have set me on yet another trail. I shall write of this adventure from time to time. Ill post the first one this evening, in a few minutes.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 03:12:05 +0000

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