During the years Tim Pawlenty was Governor, he spent a lot of time - TopicsExpress


During the years Tim Pawlenty was Governor, he spent a lot of time saying cities needed to control their spending. Many of us Mayors pushed back, saying we were doing substanital reform and cutting. This story shows that what we said for so many years was correct: Mayors, and council members throughout the state---aided by employees and citizens who ended up doing much more---made dramatic cuts in city spending. Gov. Pawlentlys administration was making massive cuts to cities, without cutting its own spending. This shows cities made up two thirds of those cuts by spending less and one third by increasing property taxes. The point many of us made during those years was a better partner at the state would have gotten cities to cut spending but not cut city aid so deeply that it would lead to property tax increases. Gov. Dayton and the DFL legislature did that, and thats why Minneapolis property tax rate (and many other cities) could finally drop in last years budget. Good data on why we cant go back to the ways of the past.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:54:47 +0000

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