Dutch Scientist Professor Johan Van Dongen – revealed the crime - TopicsExpress


Dutch Scientist Professor Johan Van Dongen – revealed the crime over Aids and Ebola Africans have undergone all kinds of trials and tribulations. They were used, abused, mocked, scorned, hanged and sold into slavery by the White man. There is no statue of Adolf Hitler anywhere, because he killed six million Jews, but there are statutes of a Belgian king, Leopold II, who killed over 10 million Africans in Congo, throughout Belgium. In addition there are many streets named after him. These are some of the evidences that the life of a Blackman is meaningless and valueless to the White man. Yet out of the blues, a Dutch scientist called Johan Van Dongen, contacted author and journalist Joel Savage, to help him spread the message that Aids and Ebola viruses are human made and tested on Africans in Uganda and Zaire, in order to find vaccines against it for military defending purposes. What African leaders don’t know is, according to Professor Johan Van Dongen, the viruses of Ebola and Aids, were long created within bacteria factories to depopulate Africa. “There were dubious micro-organisms, given different names, such as Reston virus, Belgrade virus and Marburg virus. It was when the first outbreak of the virus which occurred near a small river in Africa called River Ebola, gave the name of the disease as Ebola. “This is how scientists give names to their findings,” says Scientist Johan Van Dongen. “In Africa, there were varieties of wide experiments of dubious scientists vaccinating children with contaminated vaccines. For example, the World Health Organization can’t deny that they are not aware from 1954 to 1957, Dr. Hillary Koprowski injected over a million Africans with the viruses of Aids and Ebola, deceiving them it was vaccine for polio. Between 1960 and 1973, tests were held on a major initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) at a medical field research site in the West Nile district.” “Three times a year, blood was taken from about 45.000 children, including babies to investigate a relationship which existed between a common endemic disease and the virus that causes mononucleosis. But that wasn’t the reason. They were actually looking for antibodies against micro-organisms, the reason those children and babies were given contaminated polio vaccines. I have a message for African leaders, Aids and Ebola are medical crimes to depopulate Africa, African leaders have to stop, Europeans and Americans to test vaccines in any African country?” He added. Scientist Hilary Koprowski – the man responsible for the roots of Africans Aids and Ebola- Photo credit- Archives Media Congo Professor Johan Van Dongen first revealed those crimes in his books written in Netherlands, but the governments of Holland and Belgium were able to discourage the sales of the books and finally banned them. It was very easy for the two governments to ban those books, because it is only Belgium and Holland that speak the same language (Flemish) in Europe. But that wasn’t the end of his ordeal; considered a ‘Whistleblower’ by his native country, Holland, he lost his job and house. “The only thing I didn’t lose is my wife and my brain,” says Professor Johan Van Dongen. After contacting author Joel Savage, the English version of the books, is now written as one book and will be available very soon as e-book, before the end of this month in America and Britain. The case is very sensitive, especially due to those involved, America, Belgium, Holland Germany, and World Health Organization. The reason authorities for decades have tried to cover up those crimes. It will be recalled on Saturday, 9/ 10/ 2004, Kenyan ecologist, the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Wangari Maathai, restated her claim that the AIDS virus was a deliberately created biological agent. “Some say that AIDS came from the monkeys. I doubt that because we have been living with monkeys since time immemorial, others say it was a curse from God, but I say it cannot be that. Black people are dying more than any other people in this planet.” Maathai spoke at a press conference in Nairobi, a day after winning the prize for her work in human rights and reversing deforestation across Africa.” “It’s true that there are some people who create agents to wipe out other people. If there were no such people, we could have not have invaded Iraq”. Maathai, also the Kenyan deputy environment and natural resources minister and fearless speaker said. “In fact, the HIV virus is created by a scientist for biological warfare. Why has there been so much secrecy about AIDS? When you ask where the virus came from, it raises a lot of flags. That makes me suspicious.” The contaminated polio vaccine which developed to the viruses of aids and Ebola were sprayed into mouths- Photo credit – Archives Media Congo Africa accounts for 25 million out of the estimated 38 million people across the world infected with HIV, and the vast majority of infected Africans are women, according to UNAIDS estimates. The United States congratulated Maathai on winning the Nobel Peace Prize, but tempered its praise over her claims about AIDS. “She said (HIV/AIDS) was invented as a bio-weapon in some laboratory in the West,” a senior State Department official said. “We don’t agree with that.” “I am not qualified to publish the shoes of Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Martin Luther King Jr etc; so death doesn’t mean anything to me,’ says author Joel Savage, the reason he collaborated with the Dutch scientist to write the book and expose the crime.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 11:42:05 +0000

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