Dwight de Armas is working on a paper regarding alienation in 1920 - TopicsExpress


Dwight de Armas is working on a paper regarding alienation in 1920 and the Queen...well she died in 1917 but due to pre-planning by pirates the answers could probably be found at the archives, Libraries around the islands or maybe even on the internet........... this is my answer: hah? well, apparently she knew about the 1911, five member commission appointed.... J.R. No. 1 was approved...Panama-Pacific International Exposition...an exhibit was planned...many sugar planters were part of it.....the 1913 Legislature passed Act 154...manipulations of taxes were made during this period...In January 1915 representatives went to the the San Francisco Fair....the rehab act that youre talking about is probably one of the plans coming out of the deceptions engaged in by Americans while they were securing an illegal contract with the Queen in 1915 ........perhaps you could get some of the answers out of the University or Hawaii at Manoa library....because there are missing documents, issues of fire, and a few years some (mysterious) flooding leading to water damage.......good luck in locating the material on the 1920 rehab act... ;)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 09:39:05 +0000

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