Dyer 62: The Living by Decreasing experiment went very well. It - TopicsExpress


Dyer 62: The Living by Decreasing experiment went very well. It started on Saturday morning when I put out all of my tag sale items, about 6 big boxes full out on my tree belt with a sign reading. “Free but please share.” The first box and painting didn’t last 30 seconds. I put the box and painting down, turned around to go get my next box and here comes a pick-up truck. The truck stops, a guy jumps out, grabs the whole box and painting and drives off. Apparently he missed the memo on the sharing part! I guess he just needed all that stuff real bad. My job was to make the stuff available and not police how people took things. In between all of the stuff being taken, I had about five neighborhood kids come and dump the boxes all over the yard. I caught it on camera but didn’t pursue it. When I see the young gents again I will say something but not in anger but rather try to get across to them that there was no need for that. I know, I know it won’t make any difference but I still will say something and then let it go. Just let it go. Everyone knows how the youth of today act. But I won’t join in and make two wrongs. I will say my peace and let it go. As of last night there were 3 boxes left and it was mostly books. When I left for work this morning everything was gone, everything. So I’d say it was a rather successful event. I put a whole lot of items back in circulation. But the truth is that was easy because I didn’t want those items any longer anyway. But the second part of the spiritual principle of living by decreasing asked me to give away one thing of value of which I did. I had a painting of Tom Brady that was a beautiful work of art. I have enjoyed it for the past 5 or 6 years and decided that would be my value item I would give away. When I walked outside with the painting there was a guy walking by and I asked him “who’s your favorite football team” and he said the Patriots. I said “do you like Tom Brady” and he said he loved him. That gentleman scored my painting. This lesson told me if I give away my things and have less possessions I will have more peace. I guess it worked!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:25:22 +0000

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