Dynamic Rides – Saturday 15/11/14 Lickey Hills Ride by James - TopicsExpress


Dynamic Rides – Saturday 15/11/14 Lickey Hills Ride by James Locker The Dynamic Rides ‘Saturday run’ started the right way, with plenty of coffee. Everyone gathered around the Flying Squirrel Café placing their orders for a dose of caffeine fuelled speed which would come in handy later on. Ian briefed the colourful flock of lycra clad men and women on the day’s route and dished out the orders on riding etiquette. A few listened, other’s didn’t, I know who you are! Once the low down had been given and coffee’s drunk it was time to hit the road. The riders were filtered into four different groups to cater for the range in abilities ranging from ‘relaxed’ to ‘fast’ pace with two groups in between. Ian took out one of the middle groups, a good excuse to cop out of the fast ride, he was obviously worried about losing the sprint. On the road in the ‘fast’ group there was the usual banter, mainly directed towards a certain someone wearing full Sky Pro Cycling kit, I won’t mention names. Everyone rode well, keeping a close formation on the road and obeying all rules apart from the one about attacking on the hills. The ride took us into the Lickey’s and as anyone who has been there will know, it’s not flat. Hill after hill was attacked at full gas with James Middleton usually leading the way up with me grovelling on his wheel behind trying not to get dropped. Other’s rode the hills at a more leisurely pace, or were conserving energy for later in the ride, clever! We re-overtook the medium group in the Lickey’s who had been struck by karma after they rode by laughing at us fixing a puncture. Eleanor had three in one ride and had to catch a lift home! Haha. The speed on the run home was testament to why this was the ‘fast’ ride. Averaging some way north of 20mph meant riders were slowly shelled and the group whittled down to an elite number. Approaching Tanworth the pace picked up yet again as ego’s came to play and getting dropped was not an option. Tom Hill was dispatched of in record time and the ‘longest sprint in history’ commenced soon after. James Middleton did his (rather brief) turn whilst Turbo bided his time at the back watching us all suffer. With about 500 metres to go JM launched a blistering attack as I floundered on the front, then Turbo quickly followed, shooting past me like I was standing still. He soon closed the gap to JM and edged him in the sprint. My legs were dead! Coffee and Cake! Once back in the warmth of the Dynamic Rides Shop we formed a not so orderly queue to choose our cake. Something we could all justify eating after a brutal morning on the bike. As the different groups arrived back at the shop everyone had their story to tell about the ride. Some looked as if they had been through hell whilst others recounted their efforts up the hills and gloated about how good they felt. All in all, it was a great morning out. As it was my first ride with Dynamic rides after starting work at the shop I had all these pre-conceived ideas mainly from Ian and Tom as to what it would be like, and it lived up to expectations and more. It was certainly a lot faster than I expected! I also sensed and saw there was a good community of riders, all from different backgrounds but united by their love of riding. The banter helped too. I am already looking forward to next week’s adventures, however I’m hoping the pace will be a little more relaxed especially after the previous night’s antics at the Dynamic Rides award/drinking/banter night! Make sure you are there! James Locker
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:00:00 +0000

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