E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. SUNDAY. The indigenous religious beliefs and - TopicsExpress


E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. SUNDAY. The indigenous religious beliefs and practices of African peoples include various traditional religions.[1][2] While generalizations of these religions are difficult, due to the diversity of African cultures, they do have some characteristics in common. Generally, they are oral rather than scriptural,[3][4] include belief in a supreme being, belief in spirits and other divinities, veneration of ancestors, use of magic, and traditional medicine.[5][6][7] The role of humanity is generally seen as one of harmonizing nature with the supernatural.[7][8] Traditional African religions have been passed down from one generation to another orally and can be found through art, rituals and festivals, beliefs and customs, names of people and places, songs and dances, proverbs, and myths.[3][4] While adherence to traditional religion in Africa is hard to estimate, due to syncretism with Christianity and Islam,[9] practitioners are estimated to number 100 million, or 10% of the population.[10.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 08:57:21 +0000

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