E Mail to RTE.......................................05 November - TopicsExpress


E Mail to RTE.......................................05 November 2014 19:55 Ok RTE All joking aside now.Get off your fat overpaid arses,and get over to Coolock Garda Station.Women are been pepper sprayed by the Garda.The Riot squad are charging at peaceful protesters pepper spraying everyone.Is this how much Irish Water is worth ?Does this alone not show us how desperate to get this Cash cow into existence they are.It shows us now,that it is in the plans to privatise it.Nobody would go to these lengths to protect any utility,unless their was serious money behind it.By the way,where were you yesterday when Bailiffs arrived to throw and old frail Woman out of her home.You keep dancing around your studios each night,almost in orgasmic fashion,as to how well the economy is doing.It may be doing well for the 1% like yourselves,but I can assure you after my day yesterday,that it is quite the opposite for us who are suffering this Austerity to pay your undeserved wages,and lotto style pensions.Never mind,as you seen the crowds who marched last Saturday.It is from this Crowd,we will be selecting candidates to run in the elections in 2016.We will be putting into power our own people,unconnected to any political Party.These Reps will be mandated by us,to reduce extragavant salaries like yourselves.You will find yourselves on the minimum wage,but dont worry,we will be supplying cakes and biscuits to supplement your shortfall.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:12:02 +0000

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