E-Motion by Arthur & Fiona Cristian - 13th August 2014 - - TopicsExpress


E-Motion by Arthur & Fiona Cristian - 13th August 2014 - loveforlife.au/node/8537 - Every image of “The System” that we live our lives out of is e-motion. It is all a program, alien, artificial pictures that are programmed into us through education, indoctrination, explanation and instruction. A, b, c and 1, 2, 3 are e-motions, taxes, laws, religions are e-motions and getting up and going to work is e-motion. Time is e-motion. None of it is created and inspired uniquely by us through direct experience with nature, the living-dream-of-LIFE. The e-motion of trauma runs very deep in everyone trapped in The System. E = ecclesiastical Motion = is the Freemasonic/Satanic High-priest-hoods ecclesiastical programs we are setting into motion (performing/acting/re-presenting). E-Motion is educated/instructed into all slaves of The System. E-motion is what creates a slave because, while we are responding to e-motion, we are being compelled by something unnatural to us that we are afraid to resist. All the conquered tribes across earth were slaves to e-motion the moment they were conquered by other tribes and forced to adapt to the different customs of that tribe that were imposed upon them. E-motion is what we are allowing to come between us and prevent us getting together powerfully to walk away from “The System”. It is the e-motion that keeps us worrying about money, ownership, belief systems, race, culture, creed, careers, status and other fake-lifestyles. It is e-motion that causes all forms of conflict = chaos, war, unrest, poverty, homelessness, malnutrition, injustice, harm, uncertainty, invalidation, doubt, fear, greed, selfishness, power and control trips, fantasy, illusion and delusion. E-Motions include emptiness, loneliness, directionlessness, jealousy, rage, anger, suicide, boredom, ridicule, abuse, arrogance, righteousness, etc....... Earth is a planet orbiting around the sun and is turning at great speed, this is e-motion. Have you experienced this directly, first party to first party? Or is it what you have been taught, an image put into your head by third parties? Everything bouncing between the ears is e-motion not created through direct experience. The priest who dreamed “The System” gave us e-motion-all images to live our lives out of to ensure that we continue to create “The System”. Nothing of “The System” is about MAN working with the inspiration of nature to set all of Man free in present-sense. It is impossible to take something not natural, put it into something natural and create something naturally powerful. This is why most attempts to live without “The System” fail; people come with good intentions but bring all the e-motions of “The System” with them and while they are operating under the influence of the e-motions, they can never create anything outside “The System”. They bring “The System” to paradise every time, hence UTOPIA = true freedom/paradise always at arms length. E-motion tells them that they are being used when they labour for no money. It tells them they are being taken advantage of when they are asked to contribute money or land. It tells them not to trust others, not to trust that they will be taken care of and that they cannot work with those they have disagreements with. E-motion keeps them separated and apart, needing “The System” to give them “space” and to keep them from having to confront the demons that keep them trapped. E-Motion is all about doubt, uncertainty, confusion, chaos and immense destruction to the living. Many run away from freedom back to “The System” because freedom is hard work and because we are addicted to the images of “The System” supplied to us by the ecclesiastical Freemasonic/Satanic world. Those behind “The System” have invested enormous amounts of energy working out how best to supply us with the images that they want us to be addicted to, just as they had to work out how to communicate their images to the Aborigines when they first landed on the shores of the land known under the corporation act/performance as the Commonwealth Of Australia. They brought with them the education system which is all e-motional images put into our heads by others who have had the same pictures put into their heads. All social commentary and social media is e-motion. It is all designed to keep us lost to the e-motion, lost in our reaction to trauma so that we never remember who we really are and walk away from “The System”. All roads lead to Rome and all system thoughts and images lead to “The System”. Rome cannot be built without the slaves and “The System” cannot survive without our attention, addiction, compliance, acquiescence and labour. We are given a choice of e-motions and a choice of “freedom” but whether we follow Obama, David Icke or the Dalai Llama, all we are doing is setting into motion the ecclesiastical motions of the images they feed us. None of it is real freedom. We cannot use the tools of e-motion to get to freedom. The tools of e-motion can only lead us back to enslavement to e-motion. The motion of e-motion is reaction to trauma. What we can do is become aware of the e-motions that rule us and aware of our reactions to trauma and come together, sensing each other’s intentions through the trauma and using what we can of “The System to get us out of “The System” as we learn how not to let our reactions to trauma rule us. We do what needs to be done anyway. Most communities fail because good people with good intentions bring “The System” with them. They bring their egos which are the shells of e-motion under a “name”. “Hi, I’m Joe,” we say. What we should be saying is, “Hi, I’m anger, envy, ownership, Buddhism, car owner, divorced, father of 2, dont trust anyone with my ownership of my money, my labour, my personality belief systems, values and interests. Just call me Joe”. While we carry all this e-motion, we are not free. Our freedom comes in learning to let go of the multitude of fake e-motions (fake pleasantries, niceness-fronts, image/fashion-statements, etc) and allowing them to fade away as we occupy our real-lives with healing the damage done to MAN, nature and Earth by “The System”. E-motion needs rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions and contracts. MAN doesn’t because Man is not compelled to perform for another MAN, not ruled by e-motion. When we work with the virtues of love, we are not controlled by e-motion. We can use “The System” to get out of “The System”. Our reactions to trauma include my money, my time, my labour, my belief. This distracting fake e-motion leads people to feeling used when they work hard in the garden without pay, feeling invalidated when they are challenged to examine their belief systems and feeling cheated when they are asked to contribute their money to real living community projects. E-Motion IS all about SELF-CENTEREDNESS. No matter where we turn in “The System”, we are trapped by e-motion. We are not given full disclosure as to what is created by the images of these e-motions. By focusing on them, we become hosts to these alien, unnatural images. Every Man is sacred, just as all of Earth/nature is sacred. When we expose children to system images, we are desecrating the sacredness of MAN. Confused with fear and in denial of having given up who we really are. Our e-motions are self-centredness; centred on a “self” that is false, that is our e-go that forms our relationship to money, status, standing, etc. Many people come together in marriage through this, which is why so many marriages fail. The whole collective of e-motion forms/houses the E-Go. Go = the e-motion program we set into motion. None of our trauma is created uniquely by us. While we continue to work with it, we will never leave Rome and without slaves, there is no Rome. True feelings come as inspiration that you set into motion as a gift for the dream of life. True feelings are your creation which you will never own. True feelings are set free as a gift of your LIFE to add to and expand the living dream of LIFE. Very different than setting trauma into e-motion which compels us to act as puppets of that trauma that is The System. Until we let go of e-motion, we are enslaved forevermore. Direct sensory experience has never revealed to anyone that Earth is a planet, is turning and is going around a sun that is the heart of a solar system turning around a galaxy of many galaxies turning around a universe of many universes and that we (MAN) are on a journey through this fake uni-verse heading from somewhere to anywhere and, that we are tiny aspects of this uni-verse at the effect of greater forces than us as in astrology, astronomy, system science, mathematics, alphabet languages, geometry/sacred geometry, occults, esoterics, myths, lores, fables, gods, higher powers/beings/levels/dimensions/planes, aliens, ufos, heavens, hells, man-made religions, laws, corporations, commerce, etc, all of which are derived from black-magic and all of which are e-motions designed to compel us into giving up who we really are in present-sense to be ruled by fantasies, illusions and delusions (The E-Motions). Through direct experience, has anyone seen the solar system as pictured in books? Conclusion All roads lead to slaves for without slaves there would be no Rome. If you give up being a slave you give up EVERYTHING that makes up Rome = The System. The problem is NOT Rome or Jesuits or Roman Catholics or politicians or judges or corporations or the media, etc, the problem is with each MAN continuing to act like a slave. A MAN does not whine or complain about anything of Rome, only Ro-MAN slaves do this. A MAN just walks away from Rome never to return, never to look back. R = the Asp, the serpent of Ancient Egypt used as a Freemasonic/Satanic code to paralyse, asphyxiate, strangle, their victims. O = a vicious never ending cycle = under the spell = constant reactions to trauma. MAN = co-creators of the dream of life - who we really are. R-O-MAN E = ecclesiastical Go = the ecclesiastical e-motional program/instruction set into motion by slaves under the power and control of e-motion. E-G-O The depth of reaction to trauma goes far far far far far far far far deeper than most people can presently comprehend. The System is trauma based and everything of The System (the e-motions we set into motion) is reaction to trauma. Note: The background to e-motion is always The System. All e-motions belong to The System, they are not part of nature/earth. With every image of e-motion comes the picture of The System set to the background. Slaves are getting far more than what they initially bargained for. LOLLLLLL - These ecclesiastical high-priests of Freemasonry/Satanism are very clever and cunning. All E-Motion leads the duped back to The System. E-Motion will never lead MAN to paradise in present-sense, instead e-motion will DESTROY all pure and sincere dreams of Kindom/Paradise/Do No Harm Community/eco/alternative/intentional-communities. Unless slaves really wake up they will forever remain trapped in The System (HELL). There is NO paradise in present-sense for slaves. Also, all the virtues of love have nothing to do with e-motion as they can only be directly experienced with Nature/Earth/living-sensory-Creation/MAN. Virtues of love include cooperation, co-creation, empathy, compassion, supporting, nurturing, generosity, trust, strength, do no harm directions, confronting and exposing lies, fraud & harm, etc, etc. E-Motion, E-Go, spells, trauma, reaction to trauma, etc, are all explained in greater detail as can be found in the many Love For Life videos, articles, debates, etc, as listed in the Sequential Order copied below. Also scroll down Arthurs Facebook wall https://facebook/arthurcristian where you can also find plenty of discussions/debates regarding these subjects and others. The article Separating The Wheat From The Chaff maybe our last article as we have come to the end of our 9 years of intense scrutiny based research work. The link is listed in the sequential order but is unpublished. We plan to have it published before the end of September 2014. Once it is posted we will be creating a video series, a documentary, and lots of music projects while co-creating and expanding the Kindom (Do No Harm Community) dream we live/stand for. Have you seen the Food Forest Vege Garden we created? We posted a video called From Bare Dirt To Abundance: youtube/watch?v=1sJCcCvZ97A - it can also be found in the Remedy section of the Sequential Order. Here is a link where you can read a brief background on us and information regarding the Love For Life recording studio: loveforlife.au/node/8459 Sequential Order We ask you to NOT believe anything we say/share and instead use scrutiny like an intense blow torch and go where the logic of truth/sense takes you. This is very, very important. Put everything you believe up to the test of scrutiny to see how it stacks up. If you are true to your heart/senses and go where the logic of truth/sense takes you will find that NO belief, etc, will stand up to the test of scrutiny. They just do not stack up because they are lies/fraud. After you have watched and read all the material and any questions are left unanswered, send us your landline number and we will use the internet phone as a free unlimited call. We are on Sydney NSW Australia time. Best times for us to chat are between 11.00am and 6.00pm. It is critical that you fully comprehend Image Power, Name, Contract To Name, The System Of Names, Spelling, Trauma, Reaction To Trauma, Curses, Processing Curses, Full-Responsibility/Liability, Limited Liability/Responsibility (passing-the-back), Slavery, Senses/Sense vs Non-Sense/Senses, 1st Party vs 3rd Party, Re-Presenting Intellectual Property such as but not limited to Name, Storytelling/Storytellers, Duality, Black-Magic, Belief, Lies, i, All Seeing i (eye), etc..... These themes and others are covered over and over and over again. If you do not comprehend these insights and are unable to use your senses to sense your way through all the non-sense/non-sensory-images that enslave MAN under their image power (darkness = The System = Hell), men and women will remain deeply trapped under a terrible state of trauma. Our intention is to inspire you to remedy by showing you how to move away from reacting to trauma in all its nefarious and devious forms. All the latest posts in the Sequential Order can be found by scrolling down the home page of the Love For Life website or scrolling down near the bottom of any Love For Life webpage or follow the link provided (Links to all our work can be found here:), found after the last post in the Sequential Order. His-Story/Her-Story (History) Arthur Cristian - Love For Life 2005-2007 - Re-posted July 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8529 The Dream Of Life Part 6 Under The Spell Of Intellectual Property Arthur Cristian - Love For Life 19th April 2014 - 51 Minutes 52 Seconds youtube/watch?v=IMK7CkU1ih8 The Name Is The Mark Of The Beast The Strawman Identifying Your Slave Status In The System By Arthur Cristian - Love For Life 5th February 2012 - 56 Minutes 25 Seconds youtube/watch?v=DdOag66v7uo IMAGE POWER The Nefarious Tactics Used To Disguise Truth And Distract Us From Remedy Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 24th January 2014 This post contains many recent Facebook comments and email replies which collectively provides a big picture into exposing the deception behind IMAGE POWER. loveforlife.au/node/8496 The Pull Of E-Motion Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 8th February 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8499 IMAGE POWER Superb Diamond Range Interviewing Arthur & Fiona Cristian 4th February 2014 youtu.be/qFnuuw3kLog loveforlife.au/node/8501 Trauma Induced Fantasy July 2013 Interview With Jeanice Barcelo And Arthur & Fiona Cristian youtu.be/CZVj-ddUoZw loveforlife.au/node/8500 Processing Curses A Lie Is A Curse Liars Process Curses Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 26th February 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8503 How The System Is Really Constructed Bouncing Back Curses Upon Curse Makers To Stop Harm Forevermore Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 27th February 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8504 Slave To A Name Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 3rd to 6th March 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8505 Educated Slaves Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 20th March 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8506 The Only Path To Freedom Beware The False Steps Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 2nd April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8508 Free-Dumb For All Arthur and Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 5th April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8510 Revoking The Ego Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 7th April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8511 How MAN Commits Spiritual Suicide Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 3rd April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8509 How To Detect Intel Operatives Working For The New World Order Agenda Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 10th April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8512 How The Psyop Program & Intel Networks Are Messing With Your Head + His-Story/Her-Story Arthur & Fiona Cristian - April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8513 Godzilla Through The Looking Glass Destroyed By Name Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 20th April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8514 What Its Going To Take To Co-Create Freedom Forevermore Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 22nd April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8514 Falling For Fairy Stories Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 24th April 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8514 A Disassociation From The Work Of Kate of Gaia Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 17th May 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8517 Separating The Wheat From The Chaff Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 22nd May 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8516 The True Satanic/Freemasonic Symbolism Of John The Baptist Arthur Cristian - Love For Life 24th May 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8518 Denial And Apathy How Deep Does Duplicity And Complicity To Harm Doing Go? Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 24th May 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8519 Revolution Or Revolution Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 25th May 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8520 Routing Out Psyop Programs Routs Out Intel Operatives Exposing Max Igans Psyop Program Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 31st May 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8524 The Psyop Program Scam Behind Religion Belief Faith & Associated Opinion Arthur Cristian Love For Life 11th June 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8525 Another Delusion Arthur Cristian Love For Life 11th June 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8526 A World Of Words Is A World Of Lies Arthur Cristian Love For Life 13th June 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8527 E-MAN The Name Of The Beast Is MAN Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 9th May 2014 Includes Mountain MAN Arrested Facebook Discussion About Name Uploaded 25th June 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8528 E-Motion Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 13th August 2014 loveforlife.au/node/8537 Crop Circles Are A Massive Hoax Facebook Discussion On Simon Kawais Wall Involving Arthur & Fiona Cristian 31st August 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8470 OPPT & Slavery Through Intellectual Conscription By Deceit Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life 27th February 2013 onwards... Part One: youtu.be/Qjp_9nlrBao Part Two: youtu.be/tbybeOWZ-Bc Part Three: youtu.be/yOWoxH-HbVw Water Is The Life Of MANS Consciousness (Breath) Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 8th February 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8350 Part One: youtu.be/4ze66_33wxM - 70 Minutes 5 Seconds Part Two: youtu.be/43gIi-sjxJc - 81 Minutes 13 Seconds Part Three: youtu.be/oooY6W63K-M - 70 Minutes 18 Seconds What Do You Believe On Origins? Who Said There Was A Beginning? Whos Truth Do You Accept? Belief Is A Strange Idea. Discussion Lyndell, Scott and Arthur & Fiona Cristian Between March and April 2013 Posted 29th October 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8487 So You Want The Good Bits Of The System But Not The Bad Bits? By Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life - 12th August 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8468 Turning Away From The Reflection Of MANS Looking Glass Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 30th April 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8404 REMEDY From Bare Dirt To Abundance A Year In The Life Of The Love For Life Food Forest Arthur & Fiona Cristian 8th February 2013 51 Minutes 46 Seconds youtube/watch?v=1sJCcCvZ97A Control The Land And You Control MAN On The Land Displace MAN From Land And You Turn MAN Into Slaves Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life April 2011 (Updated 14th September 2011) loveforlife.au/node/8237 The Divine Spark Facebook Discussion With Raymond Karczewski Arthur & Fiona Cristian & Others 2nd October 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8483 Capturing Another MANS Uniqueness A Facebook Debate With Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life And Raymond Karczewski Starting 13th May 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8414 The Spell Is Broken Taking The Land To Create Kindom Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 3rd March 2013 loveforlife.au/node/8365 The Steps Of Kindom Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 2006/2007 loveforlife.au/node/8304 Links to all our work can be found here: loveforlife.au/node/3385 All the best to you and your extended family Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life Website: loveforlife.au Email : [email protected] Mobile : 0011 61 418 203204 - (0418 203204) Snail Mail : PO Box 1320 Bowral 2576 NSW Australia Facebook Arthur Cristian : facebook/arthurcristian YouTube Arthur Cristian : youtube/ArthurLoveForLife Register To The Love For Life Mailing List : loveforlife.au/content/09/05/14/mailing-list Facebook Group Why Arent We Free Discussion : facebook/164918753537287 Facebook Group Kindom/Do No Harm Community Discussion : facebook/151811728195925 Links below will kick in when the professionally recorded Love For Life music is released. SoundCloud : soundcloud/loveforlife Nimbit Music : nimbitmusic/loveforlife Twitter : https://twitter/loveforlifemusi Facebook Music : facebook/loveforlifemusic YouTube Love For Life Music : myspace/loveforlifemusic MySpace : myspace/loveforlifemusic Google + Fiona Cristian : https://plus.google/100490175160871610090
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:04:30 +0000

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