E whakaputa ana ko enei kupu I te whakamohio kia koutou katoa, kia - TopicsExpress


E whakaputa ana ko enei kupu I te whakamohio kia koutou katoa, kia whakawaia I tou reo; na te mea kia whakakahangia au pononga:Ngakaunui te Kuini e hiahia ana ano e rite ana e ihowa atua. H.W.WILLIAMS M.A. 2006. Dictionary of the Maori Language. Wellington, New Zealand. Tama n. 1. Son or nephew. Ka rongo ana tama i tera kupu (N 86.) Eldest son. Ka oti te waka a Ruatapu, ka whiriwhiria e ia nga tangata hei eke mo runga, tama anake. 3. Child, usually male. Kua whanau tama a Rangi. 4. Man. Katahi te tama ka whakatika (N. 23) Tama tu, tama ora; tama noho tama mate ka (P. 83) So E tama! Or E tama ma! (pl) forms of address. E tama, ka mate koe (N. 22) 5. In a mystic sense in karakia, where it is used with tauira, atua, tohunga, kete etc. He pokinga i ena tama, i ena tohunga, i ena atua, i ena mana, i ena karakia, i ena tauira (N. 75). // also other passages N. 73, 75, and M 424. 6. In a number of proverbial expressions; Tama roto or tama tu ki roto, emotion, desire, craving, strong feeling. Kihai i noho, haere tonu; ta tama tu ki roto, tana pai hoki (N.121). E mate tama roto (I am hungry). He mahi kai mo te kopu, kia ora ai tama roto. Tama a hara, object of revenge. Homai taku tama a hara kia kainga. – Ka heria mai e Ngati Mahanga te tianana o Tawhakamoe i Te Rotoiti, ka kainga; kua tama-a-haratia ki taua iwi. Tma ngarengare, penis. //ngare iil Tama-tana, son, and tama wahine, daughter , are frequently used antithetically, e.g, of the upper and lower ropes of a bird snare (//Wai. 15); of the west and eas sea north of Autkcland (//tai (i) ); of successful and unsuccessful strokes in parrying a blow. I hiki tama-wahine, kihai i tama-tane te hiki o to patu. Tamaiti; 18:14 He pakeke rawa ranei tetahi mea ki a Ihowa. Kei te taima i whakaritea, kei te hurihanga mai o te wa, ka hoki mai ahau ki a koe, a ka whai tamaiti a Hara – (E hara ana kia matou). Na ka whakawareware a Hara, ka mea, Kihai ahau i kata: i wehi hoki ia. A ka mea ia, Kahore; i kata tonu koe. Kia mahara koe Minita – Whakakororiatia te matua te tama me te wairua tapu ko tenei te mea o te Minita e rite ana e pa ana o te wharetapu o ngapuhi me te wakaminenga. Me i whakapaingia i tenei mea tapu Ko te tama ahau ki te kororia Ko te matua me te wairua tapu.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 08:13:28 +0000

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