EA UFC Review from the new guy Let me start off by - TopicsExpress


EA UFC Review from the new guy Let me start off by saying that when I heard that EA would release UFC on next gen platforms I was thrilled. The potential for sports game of the year if not game of the year itself. I’ve been an MMA fan for years watching the greats like Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, Matt Hughes, BJ Penn, etc. Needless to say as a gamer and an MMA fan EA UFC is a much anticipated release. The visuals on this game are without a doubt breathtaking. Xbox One and PS4 graphics make you feel like you’re watching a live fight. From the sweat flying off the fighters when each punch connects to the face, to the blood dripping from a cut above the eye down onto a fighters chest and stomach, each fighters muscle definition, to the bruising, swelling, and redness on a fighters body after punishing body blows. The supporting cast of the game(announcers, ring girls, the referee, and the crowd) are very well done also making the game feel complete and not just like those bodies have to be there. You don’t see the same guy in the crowd every four bodies or so and honestly that’s one of the little things I’m glad they took the time to change. If I gave this part of the game a rating it would be 4.5 out of 5. Next lets go with the actual game play itself. Lets be honest if you’re playing this game you’re going to have fun, am I right? The technical side of the striking to this game is a huge upgrade from what it was in years past. When you duck out of the way of a strike it looks and feels real and that makes it that much better when you land a counter strike on your opponent. One thing I do find somewhat annoying is that after eight to ten punches or kicks(without a reasonable break of ten seconds or more) your fighter has no energy what so ever and a simple straight punch can knock you out even if it’s the first thirty seconds of the first round. I’ve never stepped into the octagon but we’ve all seen guys like Clay Guida and Diego Sanchez throw bomb after bomb after bomb and keep going with incredible intensity behind each one and never even take a deep breath. It isn’t a make or break part of the game but I can see it becoming a reason to be upset at the game for some people. Submissions…the palm of my hand hurts just thinking about previous UFC games and the submission system they’ve had in place. Luckily this year they changed that. At first I wasn’t a fan but after trying over and over and finally getting that satisfaction of making someone go to sleep or tap because they couldn’t take it anymore I came around to the new system EA has put in place. For those of you who haven’t played the game yet I’ll explain it, once a submission is initiated by holding RB and rotating the right analog stick in the correct motion a mini game of sorts pops up where the defender selects which way to push the right analog stick to escape and the person attempting the submission can block by pushing the stick the same way along with tightening the hold by pressing the left stick which ever way when prompted until the defender either escapes or taps. It is something you have to go through a few times to get use to but once you get the hang of it it’s a really good system. One other thing I’ll discuss that isn’t on my good list is blocking takedowns. While it shouldn’t be the easiest thing to do it shouldn’t be impossible to do either. I even took the time to go back to the tutorial and double check to make sure I was doing it correct and still got slammed on my head time and time again. Another part of the game that isn’t make or break and I can learn to deal with but it is noteworthy for sure. Career mode…well it’s self explanatory, you take your created fighter from the Ultimate Fighter house and fight your way up the UFC rankings until you can call yourself a world champion and Hall of Famer. This I really enjoyed as I went 21-0 to start my career with some amazing fights including getting my butt kicked by little Nog but pulling off a flying knee in the final seconds of the fight to win when I thought for sure I was going home with a loss. I totaled 40 fights finishing 35-5 and towards the end of my career the damage I had taken took its toll as I found myself getting knocked down(and out) more than before. The training you go through is done well too. You pick your fight then go through three different training exercises and head on to your fight, making sure you have the correct game plan in place along with equipping any new moves you’ve purchased and displaying sponsors you may have unlocked. Game play gets a 4 out of 5 from me. Overall this is a good game that you should enjoy as a fight fan and gaming fan as well, from the visuals resembling a live PPV fight to the game play being fluid and enjoyable for gamers of expert levels to the beginners who are just starting to pick up a controller. RICHARD’S OVERALL RATING: 4.5 out of 5. Definitely check it out
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:19:24 +0000

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