EACH DROP COUNTS! (Mrs. Rufus’ neighbours were in a very sharp - TopicsExpress


EACH DROP COUNTS! (Mrs. Rufus’ neighbours were in a very sharp contention among themselves. This was due to the water that was pumped into the overhead storage tank the previous night, which has leaked away due to someone among them that did not close the tap very well.) MRS. RUFUS (comes in from where she went to settle issues for her neighbours) Only God knows the person that did not lock the tap after fetching of water last night. SADE But mummy, they are still shouting on themselves? MRS. RUFUS Well, I left the place since none of them is ready to listen to my plea. SADE Or should I call daddy? MRS. RUFUS Well … (Mr. Rufus comes out of the room to the living room) MR. RUFUS I was listening to what they were revolting about. MRS. RUFUS Probably they might calm down if you can go and talk to them. SADE I think so dad. MR. RUFUS I think the mean reason they have not yet calm down is because the last person that fetched water last night and did not lock the tap properly is yet to open up. MRS. RUFUS That’s right ‘Honey’. At least if the person can open up and apologize, the up-roar might calm down. MR. RUFUS It’s alright. Let me try and talk to them. MRS. RUFUS I pray they listen. (Mr. Rufus goes out in order to calm the situation and Mrs. Rufus goes toward the kitchen and call Sade) Sade, come with me to the kitchen and let us make breakfast. SADE Okay mum. (Inside the kitchen) SADE But mum, even if daddy is able to calm down the situation, where would these people get water now? Or, is there still little water in the tank? MRS. RUFUS That is another big issue my dear. Going by the announcement that was made yesterday by the Power Authority, we are not likely to have electricity supply until 2pm. SADE That’s true, they said due to some maintenance work they want to do on some of their equipment. MRS. RUFUS Now you can see why I always ask you to lock the tap very well each time you fetch water. SADE And the leakage was just drop by drop. MRS. RUFUS And mind you my dear, each drop counts. SADE Each drop counts? MRS. RUFUS Yes, each drop that leaked away one after the other all through the night emptied the tank and dashed the hope of all the people who had plans to use the water for various useful purposes this morning. SADE Hmm! MRS. RUFUS And something occurred to me now. SADE What is it mum? MRS. RUFUS The bible passage your father shared with us this morning during our devotion, do you still remember? SADE Yes mum, Eph.4:30 that says “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” MRS. RUFUS Good. Remember your daddy said it is only in sinning that we can grieve the Holy Spirit? SADE Yes, I remember. MRS. RUFUS If we now grieve the Holy Spirit and our seal of redemption is being affected, what do you think will happen to our spiritual life? SADE Our spiritual life will drain away. MRS. RUFUS Just like the water in the tank drained away because there was a leakage. Sade. SADE Yes mum. MRS. RUFUS Each time a child of God sins, probably unknowingly or by mistake, such child of God had creates a spiritual leakage in his life. Just like the person the fetch water but did not lock the tap very well, thereby creating a leakage part for the water. And if such child of God becomes nonchalant about it, he will soon become empty. And he won’t be able to meet the need of those he ought to be a blessing to. So, as each drop counts in the case of the water that got drained off over the night due to the leakage path that was created, so also does each treasure of God in us counts each time we lose them due to our involvement in one sin or the other that drains them away from our life. SADE Thank you mum, I’ll sure keep this in my mind always. MRS. RUFUS That my girl. (Mr. Rufus comes back in with good news) SADE Daddy, you’re back. MRS. RUFUS So, how far? MR. RUFUS Thank God, everything is settled, Mr. Dele just volunteered to pump some water with his generator for everybody. MRS. RUFUS & SADE Thank God. EPILOGUE As a child of God, His has loaded your life with so many treasures for your generation. But each time you fall into sin, a spiritual leakage is created and those treasures begin to drain off little by little. However, to be on a saver side in order to fulfil your God given mandate, you must make it a regular duty to renew your ways before your Saviour moment after moment. Stay bless in Jesus name. SHALOM! SCRIPT: Abi-Abiola Oladipupo (Hour of Reasoning Ministry) Moto: Teaching Christians’ Ethics. REMEMBER, JESUS IS COMING SOON, EVEN RIGHT AWAY AND SO BE PREPARED!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:10:36 +0000

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