EACH ONE OF YOU IS BORN WITH A PURPOSE. You have not seen Allah - TopicsExpress


EACH ONE OF YOU IS BORN WITH A PURPOSE. You have not seen Allah but you believe in his existence. You have not seen hell but you are very afraid of being there. You have never felt the pain of being burnt alive but you will never jump in an inferno. You may not have been extremely wealthy but you enjoy even when you explore the possibilities of being very rich. Most of the things in life that are great REQUIRE FAITH. BLIND FAITH. Just as when you put in your 100% effort in accomplishing something, you CAN NEVER say with 100% surety that YOU WILL SUCCEED but you still continue to put in your effort. Because you have FAITH that POSITIVE EFFORT will bring about POSITIVE RESULTS. Results mean focusing on PURPOSE. The purpose is to ACHIEVE RESULTS. Its the purpose that matters more than the effort at times. Without a purpose nobody puts in an effort for anything. You dont wake up in the morning and start driving TO NOWHERE. You just DO NOT. And the FOUNDATION OF PURPOSE is FAITH. FAITH is that foundation upon which you build your building of purpose. The entire purpose of life is to have a purposeful life. And since in order to have a GOOD LIFE you need to have a purpose, you can not live a life full of meaning without knowing your purpose. When your life is EXACTLY ON ITS COURSE with its PURPOSE, you are the most SUCCESSFUL PERSON. Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Dr. Ruth Pfau, Edhi saheb and Mohammad Ali Jinnah, all lived a life based on purpose and that is the reason they are so SUCCESSFUL. Finding a purpose first is the most difficult thing in life, succeeding after having found a purpose is the EASIEST THING to accomplish. More than half of my own life i spent getting fooled by the fact that have found my purpose in life. Being an Investment Banker on Wall Street and being the First Pakistani ever to reach those dizzying heights of success, i paid the biggest price of FOOLING MYSELF. I thought my purpose in life was to close bigger and bigger deals, Make more and more money, and i did. Before i was 30 years of age i was flying around in Private Planes, rubbing shoulders with Hollywood stars, having a barrage of super cars, living in a Penthouse that people cant dream to even think of affording, and all that and more before i even turned 30 years of age. Then all of a sudden i lost EVERYTHING. And i mean everything. All in all, over $120 million dollars in Stock of my own holding. This happened because my purpose was the FOUNDATION OF MY EFFORTS but the foundation was not PURPOSEFUL. It was my EFFORT and THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE that took me to those heights of success, but the end result that i was envisioning in my head was ONLY ACQUISITION of WEALTH FAME POWER. I was left so broke that i could not even pay my mortgage. All my worldly possessions were taken away. Crowd of people left me. My power was gone like rain drops disappear after the sun comes out. That was the most painful time in my INTELLECT. Yes INTELLECT, not IN LIFE. Because we all create a purpose from our thoughts and THEN apply it in our lives. Not vice versa. I started a journey of understanding my purpose in life. And after years and years of reading, understanding, thinking, applying, failing, hurting, getting up again after repeatedly falling on my face, finally i came to a conclusion that MONEY IS THE BY PRODUCT OF SUCCESS and not other way around. My purpose in life was NOT TO ACCUMULATE money only, my purpose was to understand MY PASSION, the capital Markets of the world and passing my knowledge on to the ones who have a QUEST OF LEARNING. To write and guide others. To give speeches and NOT CHARGE MONEY FOR giving away knowledge because my RIZQ will come from other sources. Knowledge IS NOT TO BE SOLD. It is a GIFT from Allah and ONLY CAN BE passed on in the form of a gift. This painful journey has brought me to a point where i have NOTHING BUT PLEASURE in my life. I am the happiest i have ever been. No money could have bought me this happiness and this is coming from a person who had more money than BILLIONS OF PEOPLE in this world. Like Mark Twain said The two most important days of your life are, the day you were born and the day you find out WHY. In order for you to succeed in life, you need to find your purpose. And the exercise of finding your purpose, you have to do ALONE. I can not teach you to find your purpose because we all have a different purpose. We are all going in the same directions but for different purposes like the passengers in a plane, same destination but HARDLY FOR THE SAME PURPOSE. So before you get on to the PLANE OF LIFE and take that flight, make sure you really know why you are flying. You do not want to land at the airport and be confused. So in this New year of life, My prayer for you is that YOU MAKE MISTAKES. Because if you are making mistakes in 2015, then it means that YOU ARE TRYING. And if you are trying then it means that you are curious to find out new things, And if you are finding new things then the chances are that you will in that process find A NEW YOU. And that new you will bring you a NEW PURPOSE that will take you TO NEW HEIGHTS OF SUCCESS. AMEEN.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 14:54:04 +0000

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