EAGLESDWELLINGPROPHETICMINISTRY.NING.COM Trust in My Great Love for You Posted by Bill Hardaway on July 31, 2014 at 10:21am . Do not fear because My hand goes before you to smooth the path for you. It is easy to get caught up in the cares and circumstances of this world. I ask this of you: please trust in My great love for you. I will always bring you through every trial and storm you may ever face. The degree of fear and uncertainty you experience is always proportionate to you understanding just how great My love is for you. I am simply asking for childlike faith from you. A child simply trusts their parents to do what is right for them, without even thinking about anything else. Why do you think about the many things that might happen and when I will move in your life? The enemies of your soul places thoughts in your mind that you believe are your own. I was not kidding when I spoke through My Spirit, take every thought captive. I want you to start watching the thoughts in your mind and the thought process that you have. If you are thinking about something then all of a sudden a random thought pops into your head and takes you in a different direction; go back to that thought and continue the course you were originally on. The battle of the mind is the greatest weapon the enemy uses against My children. Where do lustful thoughts come from? They can come from the flesh itself and that is natural because of the fall of man. It can also be caused by a spirit of lust that has been placed on you by the enemy. Most likely it happens because a thought the enemy has placed in your mind. Then the enemy can get your flesh going in any direction he desires. It is by no accident that when you are having a bad day, your spouse might be having a really bad day also. Then all the enemy has to do is put you together and place a few negative thoughts in each of your minds and you will begin to argue and fight with each. The enemy of your soul prepared the two of you to fight and break the peace that should be in your home. The more that you both allow sin in your life, the greater the spirit of division will in your home. Some of you think that there is a devil under every rock. There are not, but there are devils under some rocks and that is why I desire to give you the gift of discernment of Spirits. I want to give you spiritual gifts to make you strong. I do not want you to lean on your own understanding. If you do, like Peter you too will fail as your heart and flesh fails you. With the gift of discernment of Spirits you will be able to take control of your thought life, and discern when the enemy is trying one of his old proven tricks against you. The enemy is an expert in deceiving you, and has been using the same tricks against My children since he fell from Heaven. All gifts of the Spirit are equally important and give to each as I desire. I do desire to give each of My children the gift of discernment. Jesus only did what He saw Me doing. That is because He had control of His thought life and his mind was at peace. He could then see clearly into the spiritual realm. If your mind is not at peace and you act on thoughts that were not even yours to begin with. It then will be impossible for you to hear the small still voice of the Holy Spirit. If My Spirit is going to lead and guide you in the way that you should go, you need to be led by Him. The enemy’s biggest trick right now is keeping everyone busy all the time with smart phones, watching television, and pumping music into their ears. Without peace and quiet of the mind and Spirit, Satan can lead you anywhere he desires for you to go. Each of you has wondered just why you did something so stupid at times. You feel so bad and allow the enemy to bring condemnation into your life. More than likely the enemy was involved and you acted on an impulse without thinking it through. You did not bother to try to discern that impulse, because that thought never even occurred to you. That is why I have such a great heart for those who are in jails and prisons. Most of them were lead there by their impulses that were fanned into flames by the enemy. The enemy comes to steal, kill and to destroy. While serving their time in prison, with so many evil spirits of the enemy, that many become “permanently infected” with them. My Son came to save that which was lost and He understands everything about your human flesh. He understands because he walked the earth doing My will as a man. Now please come before me and ask Me for the discernment of Spirits and how I desire for you to use this gift. Then it will just be that much easier for Me to draw close to you and reveal My great love for you. Eagerly desire spiritual gifts because they will make you strong. I love you and I hate the distance that is between us, I am working to close the gap between us. Please trust Me and know that I have your best interests at heart. You cannot possible comprehend how great a love I have for you. That is why I desire to hold you close and reveal it to you. Rejoice the victory is already yours and I will touch those around you with My love and power in your life. Please realize that you are loved so greatly that it is beyond your ability to understand it . I love each one of you equally. Please do not believe Satan’s big lie: God does not love you as much as everyone else and you are unworthy to be loved. Jesus settled that issue on the cross. You are love by Me equally and just as much as anyone in the Body of Christ without exception. Now go in peace and think about what I have just told you. Your Heavenly Father
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:24:32 +0000

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