EARLY BIRD NEWS UPDATE @ 7AM WITH ORANGE UGANDA LUKWAGO RALLY: The Uganda Police have deployed in Kampala especially around Nakivubo Stadium to stop opposition politicians from holding a rally seen as a reaction to the report that faulted Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago. In a Sunday letter, police advised the public to desist from taking part in today’s rally because organisers failed to fulfill pre-event requirements as per the Public Order Management Act 2013. Section 5 of the act states that, the Organizer of a public meeting shall give notice to the police in writing of the intention to hold a public meeting at least three days before the meeting. It further states under close 2 (b) that the organizers shall prove the consent of the owner of the venue where the proposed public meeting is intended to take place. Further, under close 2 (d) the organizer is supposed to clearly state the purpose of the meeting and the expected number of people to attend. These provisions have been glossily under mined by Hon. Nambooze. OTHER STORIES: RIP: Justice Amos Twinomujuni of the Supreme Court of Uganda who died last Friday aged 67 will be buried on Wednesday this week. Judiciary spokesperson Erias Kisawuzi said according to the preliminary funeral programme, there will be a requiem mass at All Saints Cathedral, Kampala, on Tuesday at 10:00am and burial is expected to be on Wednesday in Mbarara. DIABETES IN UGANDA: Over two hundred thousand children in Uganda have diabetes, according to the chairman Uganda Diabetes Association, Dr. William Lumu. Lumu revealed the number that might even be higher at the World Diabetes Day last week. SECOND ROUND: Left-wing candidate Michelle Bachelet has won the first round of voting in Chiles presidential election. But with most of the votes counted, Ms Bachelet has conceded that she has failed to reach an outright majority and avoid a run-off. She took 47% of the votes, against 25% for her main rival, Evelyn Matthei, a former Labour minister in the centre-right government of Sebastian Pinera. A second round of voting will take place on 15 December. WORKING IN QATAR: Qatars construction sector is rife with abuse, Amnesty International (AI) has said in a report published as work begins on Fifa World Cup 2022 stadiums. Amnesty says migrant workers are often subjected to non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and squalid accommodation. The rights group said one manager had referred to workers as animals. Qatari officials have said conditions will be suitable for those involved in construction of World Cup facilities. It has not yet commented on the latest report. RADIOCITY NEWS: WE BRING THE WORLD CLOSER TO YOU.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:10:49 +0000

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