EARS TO THE GROUND SLPP Defectors Securing Top Jobs Ears watch - TopicsExpress


EARS TO THE GROUND SLPP Defectors Securing Top Jobs Ears watch and see many key All Peoples Congress (APC) party stalwarts continue chasing Ministers and Civil Servants in their offices to beg for their daily bread. Ears keep wondering why defectors from the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) continue to receive lucrative jobs in the APC Government while APC diehard supporters remain jobless. Granted that not all will benefit, those in position should open up to their colleagues. Ears have heard some describe their predicament as “Baboo Wok monkey eat.” But this is not really the case as the Arrow Head is sensitive to the views of every Sierra Leonean. They should also not cast a slur in the development strides of the country as that may have some boomeranging effects. Ears heard some of these frustrated party members threatening to massively defect to other political parties if measures are not put in place to address their welfare. Just after the appointment of the Retired US Marine to a Cabinet position, and a businessman to the position of Resident Minister, there comes the appointment of ‘Robino’ and the list goes on and on. Second Gentleman is Indeed Gentle Ears believe the Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone is gaining more sympathy and love from Sierra Leoneans across the country. In Port Loko, Kambia and Tonkolili Districts, he has been described as an obedient, firm, hardworking, courageous and God fearing man. Ears to the Ground have also been tipped that the success and failure of the APC depends on the two foremost gallant men. Those who see the VP as an enemy should think again because he can cause an upset in the Red Family. Ears to the Ground have observed that despite all the hiccups and bashings, the second gentle man is still ready to work with his Boss to achieve the Agenda for Prosperity. Conflicting Ebola Predictions Ears cannot imagine that international predictions are still not favourable as to the quick defeat of Ebola. The worst of these predictions is the latest by the UN Secretary–General that Ebola may likely end in May or July next year. Imagine Ebola lasting for the next three months and the consequences it will have on the development aspirations of the country. Ears view this prediction as unfortunate and uncalled for by the UN which should be at the hub of ending the virus. The disease has already unleashed untold deaths and sufferings on the lives of Sierra Leoneans. There is every need for it to be defeated soonest so that the country can return to normality. Ears can attest to the fact that all facets of society have been hit by this disease. What is needed is to end it and move forward as a country. Hardly a day goes by without reports of Ebola terror such as loss of lives, workers strikes or some other disturbing news. There other day there was disturbing news of a worker’s strike in the Kenema Township leading to the display of corpses around the hospital. This is very disturbing for a country that shows a lot of respect for the dead. Bravo Minister Kemoh Sesay Ears to the Ground have been informed that the Minister of Political and Public Affairs (MPPA) Hon. Alhaji Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay has undertaken a weekly donation of pure drinking water and rice to the Port Loko Government Hospital and to the burial teams in the District. Ears to the Ground and the People of Port Loko District have described the move as a humanitarian venture as many people in the district reportedly die as a result of starvation and lack of safe drinking water. While Kemoh Sesay has taken such venture, ears and people of Port Loko are appealing to other humanitarian agencies to emulate the good example of the Minister. Police Raids Spread Ebola Ears to the ground have learnt that the police at the Ross Road Station have raided and detained over forty loiterers in a single cell. Ears overheard a citizen bemoaning that is still in this country because a lot of sweating people are locked up in one cell by the police. Ears saw over forty peaceful citizens arrested for loitering at 9, 10, 11pm. and 12 am at different locations in the municipality. One man was arrested whilst purchasing a cup of tea. Ears gathered that those unable to bail themselves before the arrival of AIG Memuna are usually charged to court. The police are raiding for loitering to enrich themselves and increasing Ebola in the process. Why should the police arrest for Loitering at 9, 10 and 11 pm when some people would be struggling for transportation? Ears understand that there is a State of Public Health Emergency to eradicate Ebola in the country but the police at Ross Road are helping to spread Ebola by choking the cells with so called loiterers.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:54:38 +0000

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