EARTHQUAKE FACTS HOW TO SURVIVE AN EARTHQUAKE Mother Nature can be an evil woman, she has the ability to strike quickly, violently and often without remorse. The helplessness you experience when trapped in an earthquake is quite unique and in a simple sense extremely humbling. The ground is against you, your balance is adversely affected and anything from mountains, buildings or trees could be toppling around you. It’s not a pretty picture but there are things you can do to remain prepared and ready if it ever happened to you. This article will focus on some basic tips and reminders of what to do if you’re experiencing a major earthquake. Tips Before An Earthquake (Preparation) Sure scientists can’t predict earthquakes but we can certainly anticipate them, certain regions are clearly more prone to the phenomena, so if you’re living in one, be sure to complete the following preparation tips. Talk to your family about earthquake safety, make sure they know what to do if one happens Know your room’s strong points, such as hiding under foundations, doorways, tables and beds Don’t put heavy shelves or other furniture above your bed or place of sleep Stock up emergency supplies. Pick up a battery-operated radio, a flashlight, first-aid kit, bottled water, blankets, food and supplies for two to three weeks Pick up an earthquake medical/saftey kit (Yes they actually do exist) Tips If You’re Inside If you’re indoors when the quake hits, follow these simple steps to increase your chances of survival. Always stay indoors Move to a safe location in the room, duck under a strong desk, table, doorway or along an interior wall. First and foremost, protect yourself from falling objects Put on some shoes, it will protect your feet if things like glass and other materials have spread over the floor If you’re cooking, stop immediately, turn off the stove and take cover Turn off the gas, electricity and water supplies to your building Tips If You’re Outside Stay in an open area where falling objects won’t strike you Duck into a ditch and keep away from buildings, power lines and trees If you’re driving, slow down to a crawl and stay in the center of the road. Don’t stop under bridges, overpasses, trees, or large signs. Tips For After The Earthquake Check for injuries and try to get immediate medical care. Keeping the people around you safe is your main priority. Check for damage, if your dwelling is badly damaged, leave it until a safety inspector comes and allows you back in.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:32:56 +0000

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