EASILY DISMANTLING THE FIVE MOST COMMON (and equally ridiculous) - TopicsExpress


EASILY DISMANTLING THE FIVE MOST COMMON (and equally ridiculous) ATHEIST ASSERTIONS I give answers to the claims below them. # 1 - oh yeah, well, where did God come from! # 2 - If God is eternal, then why cant the universe be eternal? # 3 - Silly Christians, myths are for kids. Believing in God is no different than believing in Santa and fairies! # 4 - You only believe in God because you were raised in a Christian environment. If you were raised in Iraq, you would be Muslim. # 5 - Christians are just stupid. They can only prove the Bible with the Bible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRISTIAN RESPONSE # 1 - In order for something to have a cause, it must have begun to exist. God did not begin to exist. Therefore God requires no cause. # 2 - You cant parallel God with the universe. The universe exists in time, bound by universal laws and principles, and so is constantly changing. It also is debatable that the universe may be finite. God, on the other hand, is [necessarily] causeless. Furthermore, as the creator of time, God is necessarily timeless, changeless, and immaterial. This is a million miles from an exact parallel. # 3 - God and Santa are totally different. At the very least, God has a foundation of arguments which are debatable (Kalam argument, universal moral values, fine-tuned universe, Jesus resurrection, and unique Christian origins). On the other hand, belief in Santa is not only absolutely groundless; has not an ounce of debatable proof, but has proof against it. So, it is directly opposed to Christianity. # 4 - You cant argue for a religions truth or falsehood based solely on where the belief originated environmentally. Its an obvious genetic fallacy. Many people are raised in a non-Christian environment who become Christian and vice versa. # 5 - This is a strawman fallacy, which distorts the Christian claim that the Bible is historically reliable, which is grounded in (a) mountains of manuscript evidence, (b) reliability of oral transmission regarding early creeds, (c) corroboration by very early non-Christian sources, and (d) JP holding proves with his Impossible Faith that the disciples were honest when spreading the word.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:44:42 +0000

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