EAST KALIMANATN ( EAST BORNEO ) (introduction) East kaliamamantan is one of 34 provinces of Indonesia and part of island Borneo or Kalimantan ,as its called by Indonesians,which make the island largest in the world after green land and new guinea ,where as East Kalimantan ,covering a total area of 221,440 sq km …it the second largest in Indonesia after irian jaya the Indonesia part of new guinea.although covering 10,55 0/0 of the total land are of Indonesia .East Kalimantan is inhabited by only about 1 0/0 of the total population of Indonesia or 1.695.500 people in 1986 which mean that its population denesty is about 7 persons per sq .1 km. The province of east Kalimantan divided ito two municipalities (samarinda and Balikpapan and four districts ,Kutai paser and bulungan now had cahanggged by otonomc regency .so now is divided by more regency and break a nev province kaltara East Kalimantan (borneo) one of richest province of indonesa not only major oil and naturel gas producing area,its also handles obout 70 ,0/0 of indonesias timber export mostly through the Mahakam river and its tributaries.and now East Kalimantan prepared and make the new strategic for grow up Tourism ,Its Huge Mahakam River offer an unforgettable experience to the more adventurous and special interest travelers not to say is danse tropical rainforests ,it,s typical flora and fauna ,but the most interesting of all its Dayak Tribes with their unigue forms of art culture and way of life THA LANAD Borneo (east Kalimantan) was defenetely forest countr more than 80 0/0 of it,s area is covered by dnesed tropical rain forest it.s is hot and Dampfrom actober to march is rainy season abd from july to September the dry season.un like most of Indonesia ,East Kalimantan lies outside the voulcanic bet and hasn,t any volcano at all The land,s core is formed by fold in the earth,s crust acentral mountain rage which have ben heavily eroded over millennia. Those mountain range feeds East Kalimantan well as Kalimantan major river system ,long and broad water ways with numerous inter-connected tributaries which has traditionally formed the island s hight ways East Kalimanatan alone has network of any major rivers biggest of which is Mahakam River with the total length of longer (920 KMs and navigable lenghth of about 523 KMs Flora and fauna East Kalimantan was famous for for its wild orhids especially The black orchids especially the Black Orchid (cologena pandurata) the most beautiful orchids are hideen in the the threettops of deepest jungle. The pitcher plant (nephents amularia ) or kantong semar as it is called in Indonesian ,has been given by by nature the ability to catch and use insects to absorb mineral salt which are needed to produce plant protein,curiously enough ,East Kalimantan (in fact of whole of Kalimantan )is not inhabited by big wild animals like tiger or wild buffaloes etc.The big orang utans (pongo pygmause) wich literally means .man of the jungle ,has an almost human appearance and dispostition which fascinated both the dayaks and foreigners Another famous primate of Rast Kalimantan is the pro boscis monkey(nasalis lavatus)or bekantan other great apes of east Kalimantan included gibbons The deep water of Mahakam Riverare home or fresh WATER DOLHINS( pesut)which recently has been tamed an trained for entertainment in ancol Jakarta The other animals of East Kalimantan are honey bears,wild cat,s ,macaque monkey,s ,more then 10 different kinds of flying squirrels, and olso fling snake. Thausands writies of birds I habit the forest the most famous one,s is black feathered HORN BILL brds (Buceros rhiono ceros) or Enggang in Indonesian ,which is traditionally regarded by dayaks as the carrier of the humansoul for the dayak kenyah ,the hornbill bird symbolized peace and unity ,black patridge ,pheasants and are abounded SAMARINDA The province capital city of East borneo about 187 Kms,(115 meals )from Balikpapan and 60 kms (37 meals ) Uperiver from the mouth of the broad Mahakam River if Balikpapan is an oil city,samarinda is timber city in East Kalimantan you can reach Samarinda by road or small air Samarinda was Established in 1930 as trading post and be come the provincial Capital 1950. Sawmills ,timber companies and whare houses line the river thpught the town.Numerous cargo ships ply the water .the Mahakam River is busy with large and small vessels taking sawn timber and logs.but at the momoment no to much.before most of log come from Mahakam river but now lestest more then coal mining .floted down to samarinda on hugs rafts .A good to enjoy in smarinda and nice place to visiting are connecting to part of city here as .baka village as central production Sarung samarinda .Islamich center as large biggest mousqu In nort asian cira niaga copng center trade morning till evening for sovinier places ..big shoping moll is lembusuana mesra indah Ramayana and others. Also Tourist Office in samarinda locatied Sudirman no 22 or Calid Indonesian .Kantor pariwisata Balikpapan The gate way to East Kalimantan.Balikpapan is an oil City ,;;a garbour of flamingoil flares .Oil rigs and tangkers can be seen from 3o km away at the sea,,before exploring the city it better to have some orientation. The good land mark is the enomours international Hotels Bena Kutai at Jalan P Antasari .heading East formit long the shore front it the road to sepingan airport the secounnd busiest airport in Indonesia after soekarnao hata airport Jakarta If you would get to capital city of province East Kalimantan from balikapapn depart batu ampar terminal where the bus have companies have their office After you leading from arport sepingan in Balikpapan you will use any travel transport from airport with defferent parices ,from Balikpapan or carter your self /ther easy way get to samarinad A NATURAL TOURISM OF TANJUNG ISUY AND MANCONG THE REGENCY OF KUTAI It is the only one among the others of the tour object that located on the regency of kutai that hafing a richness of the cultur al/art potentials and the traditional treatmeant/cure]. Also afailable for aunique soufenirs , a special dayak benuaq statue carfing and the khitting pf ‘’ULAP DOYO’’made of the doyo leafe fibre the same kinds as the pandan as a material for clothing. TO reach the tour objection of the tanjung isuy and mancong the distances 149 kms, by the house boats about 24 haours fromsamarinda fia muara muntai to tanjung isuy you can ride ketinting motor /ces as long as 3 hours while the water of jepang lake untied [shallow]. On the way to tanjung isuy we sailing fia the jempang lake,seeing a beautiful panorama among other things are the ‘’sunset ‘’ panorama when the sun just seting on the wets. Seeing the floating fillage of the fisherman fiz jantur, tanjung jone and tanjung hour. The cultural tour objections that being able to be fisited fiz lamin mancong traditional [thetraditional house of the dayak benuaq] 15kms from tanjung isuy, lamin adat pentet and lamin adat lembuhna ,it can be reached by the motor ces/motor canoe 3 haours from the tanjung isuy to the fillage mancong , lembunah , pentat , fia the Ohong rifer by seeing the beautiful panorama while seeing to any kinds of birds , iguana and the bekantan ( the long nose red monkey) . MARINE TOURISM AND PARK OF THE DERAWAN ISLAND It locatet the regency of berau by the distance+ 3 hourse used the longbout of 80 hp from tanjung redeb or via the Administrative Town of Tarakan as long as + 4 hours by the same vehicle. The area of the marine park of the derawan Island is + 20.000 ha. It is an unique and a beautiful panorama by its white sand. Flora and fauna ; There are many a scarcity animals viz the . green turtle , the scaled turtle, and belimbing turtle, sea cow. Besides the derawan island you can also see the other objects among other things are the attractiveness and the potential of the decorational fishes ,marine poants , coral reefs ,iguana ,sea bird, swall ow ‘s cave , crab and the location of a pearl diving so the visitors can see the coastal panorama of ‘’The Sunsuet’’ and the coconut island. The marine park of the derawan island is very beautiful and good for scuba Diving , Fishing , Swimming , and the other water sport. The alulu bay of the maratua island it is very agree able of the faforite sports viz the power Boating , Rowing , water skiing , a traditional canoe race , Scuba Diving , also only for enjoying the beautiful panorama. MULAWARMAN’S MUSEUM CULTULAR TORISM, ---------TENGGARONG REGENCY OF KUTAI ---------- It is an old building the remains of the kutai kingdom ( The Oldest kingdom it Indonesia ) that recently and already become the cultural tour object , it is located in the centre of tenggarong town.In this building stored many kinds of the collections , among other things are the Vietnamese , Chinese and Japanese ceramics and the historic objects from kertanegara kutai kingdom’s inheritance and the dayak tribe’s cultures . This museum absorbed many kinds of visitors , they are the domestic of forgeign visitor It is located 130 Kms. From the Balikpapan town or + 42 Kms.from samarinda , it is can be reached by the vehicles of land or water transportations , it is the capital of the regency of the territory grade II , kutai. ORCHID FOREST NATURAL TOURISM OF KERSIK LUWAY / KERSIK KERBANGAN , ON THE SUBDISTRICT OF MELAK , --------THE REGENCY OF KUTAI-------- It is the orchid forest that grown naturally by the area of + 5.000 Hectars located on the subdistrict of melak , the regency of kutai. It can be reached by the motor boats from samarinda to melak as far as 169 miles ( +32 hours by the house boats or + 8 hours by the speedboats ). In the orchid forest of kersik luway , you can find hundreds kinds of natural orchids among other things are the black orchid ( coelogyne pandurata ). Also kind the recreational facality and the jantur gemuruh warerfall and managing orchid forest on kersik kerbangan. A NATURAL TOURISM , OF THE NATIONAL ------------PARK OF KUTAI , Sangatta -------------- It located on bontang , the regency of kutai by the area + 200.000 Ha , and there are many scarity flora and faunas . GROWN by the plant forest wet tropical forest , mangrove , and marine waru. About the flora and fauna you can find the orang hutan, Uwauwa , Bekantan , Male cow , and Kalimantan’s rhinoceros , Deer ,Bear , included the reptile they are crocodile and 300 kinds of bird. Kutai National Park bontang and having the same location with the PT Badak NGL bontang and PT pupuk kaltim , it can be reached by the land transportation or by sea. The land road as far as 136 Kms. From samarinda or via the rivers /sea from samarinda you can fly with the pelita air service ( pertanima ) , SKY van ( PT pupuk kaltim ) as long as 45 minutes flight by the ticket price + Rp nit sure prices ; -per per son.but we heve rest jungle after sengata city closer river in kabovillage rest about 200 ha privab nice jungle and wild org utan.for getting there you can asking in tourist office samarinda sudirman or call whosome one in office tourist with nuber 082154547600. To organizer how to get there .
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:16:34 +0000

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