EASY AND DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFT -- LEMON CURD . . . Recipe from Sharon Santoni Smith Juice of 2-3 lemons - organic preferred 100 grams/half cup/ 3.5oz butter 250 grams/a cup and a bit/8 oz sugar 3 eggs grated rind of two lemons Combine the juice, sugar, butter into a saucepan (Some recipes say you have to use a bain-marie (double boiler), but it can be made quite easily in a pan, providing you watch it carefully and don’t over-heat!) and heat gently until the butter has just melted. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add to the lemon mixture. Beat and stir continuously until the curd has thickened and turned a beautiful smooth pale yellow colour. This takes just a couple of minutes. As soon as it is thick enough, take it off the heat and if you wish, place the pan into a bowl of cold water or ice cubes to stop it cooking any further. I find it easier to pour into jars while still warm, then wait until it is cool before covering. Keep the jars in your fridge until you feel the urge to gift a pot or garnish a tart! For a gift, add a pretty ribbon and gift tag and you will have a happy recipient!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:21:32 +0000

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