EASY T PRINTER DTG - SCAM COMPANY This is an experience from one - TopicsExpress


EASY T PRINTER DTG - SCAM COMPANY This is an experience from one of the many victims of Easy T Printer: Timeline of events: April 1: Payment for machine was made. May 16: Although machine was promised to arrive within 2weeks, it actually arrived in 6 weeks. Machine was received. May 17: Called company for startup instructions, but no one picked up phone. May 24: Called company for startup instructions, he said he is leaving for the day. He will take phone home with him so I can call on Saturday, but no one picked up phone on Saturday. May 29: Called for startup instructions. He told me to do a few steps and call him back once they are complete. Called back but no one picked up. May 31: Called for startup instructions. The software we installed together had a bug and was not working properly, he said call him tomorrow when he is in his office so he can use his computer to get access of my computer. June 4: Still calling and trying to get the machine started up. The machine is experiencing a problem where the shirt pallet is not moving on que. We send a order to print the shirt from computer, but machine doesn’t pickup on it. He doesn’t know what is going on either. After hours of testing we get the machine to momentarily listen to computer commands (it soon stops working again). Through these few tests we learn the printer inaccurately makes direct contact with the tshirt and therefore preventing a graphic to be printed. June 5: Another problem arises where the machine had a piece installed next to the printhead that is actually supposed to be taken out before dispatching to customer, we had to go to a local store and buy some supplies to take the part out ourselves. The printer is not functioning correctly as in after a single color print it fails to go back and continue to finish the graphic. Occasionally it continues to finish the graphic but occasionally it doesn’t, in which case the shirt is now ruined. The orange lights automatically appear in the cases the printer fails to finish the remaining colors of the graphic, so each time we have to call the technician and see what the problem is this time. June 6: Through a few runs it is discovered the printer dispenses inaccurate amount of white ink and he theorizes the cartridges are a problem so he makes us wait for a new set to come in the mail. We wait a week and a half until we finally get them and call him again. June 17: Cartridges have arrived but its too late and its time for me to depart to my trip to England. I have no choice but to deal with the printer until I am back. I call Michael at Easy T Printers and tell him that I feel uncomfortable with the transaction as its been nearly a month and my printer is still not functioning- there is a clear lack of concern on his part. He tells me to wait until I am back to continue with the troubleshooting. —-My 3 week trip to England—- July 10: I am back from my trip to England, and call Michael at Easy T Printers. He doesn’t even remember who I am and what my situation was. We try to install the new cartridges but a new problem emerges, the printer lights randomly turned solid orange and its causing the printer to be un-responsive. The printer will not work at all now. Michael has no answer to why this is happening. He says he will call me back when he finds the problem. July 11: Michael did not call me back so I called him. He doesn’t know what the problem so he sends some parts which he THINKS will help solve the problem. I have to wait a week and half for them to come in the mail. July 18: I get the new parts. They are no way near possible for an average person to install without any background knowledge on the mechanical parts of a dtg printer. Michael says he can visit my location to try and fix the printer but for that I have to buy a $600 ticket. I was thinking of buying the ticket when suddenly I realize the machine has another part which is failing to operate, this part is not covered in the warranty and I would have to buy it myself. The part costs $500. The waiting time for that part is 2weeks. July 22: I decide that this whole purchase is bad and not going anywhere. So I decide to contact Michael and tell him how I feel of the purchase again and that I should be refunded for this machine that has never worked once. He tells me to contact Andy, the owner of Easy T Printers. He doesn’t pickup. July 23: I try calling Andy but he does not pickup. Left him a text message also which he usually replies to, but now even to that no response. Sent him several emails also, but received no reply. Tried contacting him through his online profile on a website, but no response. July 25: I contact Michael and say I want to contact Andy, but he says andy is not there. I could hear him in the background though. But still kindly I say okay, and that ill call back later when he is in the office. I call later but now even Michael does not pickup. July 26: Neither Michael or Andy is picking up the phone. Im confused and worried of what is going to happen now. I keep trying to call them. July 29: Michael Pickups up the phone. He says Andy is not in the office today, but he will let him know that I am wanting to talk to him. I said okay. Got no call back that day. July 31: I call Michael and tell him I got no call back. He tells me to email him, I said I already did, and he said well he should contact me soon. I explain again of how I feel stuck in this, and he just says yeah okay try calling Andy. August 1: I call Michael and say I want to contact Andy, he said he will leave a note on his desk for him. August 5: I call Michael and ask for andy, this time I wake up early so I don’t miss him in the office but Michael says that andy will be in the office from 10:30am- 11:00am. I call in that time frame but no one picks up the phone. No one picks up the phone at all that day. August 7: I call Michael and ask for andy and he says “yeah the note I had left on his desk is gone, he’ll call you when he gets a chance”, I could simply okay and re-iterate of how important this is to me. Didn’t get a call back that day. August 8: Michael is not picking up my phone call. I call from a different phone and he picks up right away. I ask for Andy, and he said he is not in the office today. August 9: I call Michael and he says Andy was just in like 20 minutes ago but I missed him. He should be back soon, he just went out to get some sheet-metal. August 13: I call Michael and tell him I have been more than patient with his team, and that if Andy can not have a word with me then fine I will have to take some sort of action. Michael just says yea sure do what you would like to, just let Andy know with an email message. I said no thanks, don’t want to talk to him anymore.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 07:08:06 +0000

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