(EAT THE WORD AND ENJOY THE GREAT PEACE OF GOD THAT SURPASSES HUMAN KNOWLEDGE). . . Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. (Ps.119:165). . Ezekiel ate the word as was commanded, and had sweetness. (Eze.3:1-3). . Eating the word will cause a divine reactions against satanic plantation in your life, and liberty to declare Gods word will come to you. (Rev.10:8-11). . Eating the word guarantees life in abundance. (Prov.4:20-22) (Jn.10:10). . Do you know by virtue of our fellowship with God through the word, we will be eating from the tree of life. Cos. Your heart will be pregnant with the word, and when ever you speak, life issues out to impart lives. (Prov.15:4) (John 1:1-4) (Prov.11:30). . No matter the gravity of what the devil had achieved in your life, if you can eat the word you will bounce back again. Hallaluyah. (Job 14:7-9) (Heb.4:12). . When Joshua succeeded Moses, God gave it to him as an instruction and a covenant. (Josh.1:8) (Isa.59:21). . It is called a more sure word (2Pet.1:19) (Heb.6:17-18) when ever any trouble shows up, as you eat the word, its always for good. (Rom.8:28) (Isa.43:1-7). . Its called the perfect law of liberty which makes for an exceptional glorious life (James 1:25). . The three Hebrew boys ate it, and turned Babylon upside down (Dan.3:16-18). . Daniel did, and lions mouth was shot for him, and his enemies and their families were destroyed by the same lions. I hereby declare to you, as you feast on the word this season, every conspiracy against your lives will be returned back to the offender in Jesus name. Happy celebration.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:11:50 +0000

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