EBOLA AND AIDS WHERE CREATED BY THE WEST FOR BUSINESS (contd) ...African scientists should look inwards to discover the cure for both AIDS and Ebola. We have a lot of natural medical and scientific endowments which the white man has influenced us to neglect in order to continue to control us. Such natural plants like saint leaf and bitter kola possess active natural antiretroviral properties. Why cant our scientists take time to research how the can be utilised in curing these deadly viruses? All these billions these insane politicians are siphoning could be invested in researching a cure for these viruses. Again one can discover there is a foul play when you look at the origin of both AIDS and Ebola. There history appear to be similar. We were told by the West that the first infection of AIDS was transmitted from a baboon to a human being, from where it spread. Also that Ebola was first contacted from baboons, chimpanzee, bat and bush meat, bla bla.. from where it spread. But one unique feature of these stories is that there hasnt been a single piece of evidence to prove them. Instead it is just forced down our throat to swallow, digest and believe. But one important question is this: havent Africans been living with Monkeys, baboons, apes, bats and been eating bush meat ever since. If these animals mentioned as natural carriers of these viruses truly have been carriers then how come we havent all been infected before now? All Africans would have been wiped out by these virus infection long before now. But the reality is that they white man has to find a reason, no matter how flimsy, for such diseases occuring which they are responsible for its origin and spread. They dont mind how many lives are lost, so long as they make billions of dollars from selling antidotes. Currently we are hearing that vaccines for Ebola is about to be shipped into Africa. Imagine how many billions of dollars will be spent to procure these vaccines which will be virtually used by all. Nigeria alone has about 170million people. Furthermore, the white man has been intimidated by the growing population of Africa which also is simultaneous with economic growth. They also introduce these afflictions to cause deaths in a large scale in order to reduce population of Africa. Its for this reason they cause and sponsor civil and other wars in Africa to reduce our population through mass deaths and destabilize our economy. In this way they can continue to make us depend on them. While they keep exerting both political and economic control over us via World Bank and IMF loans. These loans on the surface appear to be helpful but underneath its used to place us in bondage. They create economic problems and they provide solution through these loans. Therefore making them winners on both fronts-they cause our problems and they also bring solution so we keep depending on them. May God give us visionary leaders in Africa who can deliver us from this neo imperialism.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:58:50 +0000

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