EBOLA DISEASE HAS ENTERED NIGERIA RECENTLY LAGOS PRECISELY. EBOLA DISEASE AS OF TODAY HAS NO CURE.HERE ARE SOME FEW TIPS DAT CAN HELP PROCTECT U AND UR FAMILY FRM CONTACTING DE DEADLY VIRUS. 1)Avoid bush meat or any meat u are nt sure of its source (2)Wash ur hands with detergent or soap frequently using clean water(3)Avoid trips to Ebola endemic countries(DRC,U GANDA,CONGO,GABON SUDANetc.) (4)Avoid buying foodstuff,clothing or other personal materials frm markets/shops dat share de same vicinity wit live or roasted bush meat,dealers or sellers(5)Be careful wit hands wen railings on the stairs,door knobs and other utilities used by the public(6)Gloves and other appropriate protective cloth should be worn when handling sick animals or their tissues(7)watch out fr people wit flu-like symptoms and sudden fever(8)Avoid pig farms,pig farms in africa play a role in de amplification of infection because of de presence of fruit bats on these farms(9)Avoid bat meats and bat products. PLS DNT IGNORE WEN U SEE THIS TEXT,HELP US AND SAVE LIVES BY PASSING THIS VITAL INFORMATION TO ALL UR FRNDS AND FAMILIES.GOD BLESS U AS U SAVE LIVES........ AMEN.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:37:41 +0000

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