EBOLA in Atlanta Fear: OK, Ive tried to bite my tongue; but no - TopicsExpress


EBOLA in Atlanta Fear: OK, Ive tried to bite my tongue; but no longer. I am very disturbed by those expressing outrage or over reaction to the doctor or rather young man brought to Emory Hospital here in Atlanta to be treated for the Ebola Virus. For those who dont know the story, Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, arrived Saturday in Atlanta from Liberia, where he and another American missionary worker contracted the deadly virus while caring for Ebola patients. According to CNN, From an early age, Brantly was driven by his faith in God to make a difference and took mission trips to Uganda, Honduras, Nicaragua, Tanzania and Haiti. So, to deny a Man, who gave his life and has served so many others worldwide, the right to gain medical treatment and hopefully, spare his life, is ridiculous, cruel and so wrong on so many levels. Also, know that the virus is not airborne. And, Humans spread the virus through contact with blood or other body fluids of an infected person, as well as exposure to objects like contaminated needles, according to the CDC. So, please people, get the knowledge, and lets pray for this Christian Brother and his wife and family. He is only 33, and if you know anything about it, that 33 is significant for a reason. I am truly inspired that this man, clearly knew the dangers, but risked his life to go to Africa and save and help others. #Hero# #Disciple# #Character# #Inspiration
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 02:10:52 +0000

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